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Author Topic: Story so far series 1 resto  (Read 376338 times)
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #765 on: 31 January, 2021, 10:34:31 PM »


* IMG_20210131_154440.jpg (2355.4 KB, 3120x4160 - viewed 338 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Slow but rough

« Reply #766 on: 31 January, 2021, 10:40:30 PM »

A word on the Dremmel gizmo it is working fine but when I went to recharge the battery there was a fritzed plastic smell coming from the charger so will have to source another charger. To over come this and cut out the holes for the front lights I used an older less powerful but mains powered got a bit hot but again I was surprised at how thick the steel is.

* IMG_20210131_223853.jpg (416.24 KB, 1343x1136 - viewed 367 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #767 on: 05 February, 2021, 09:37:38 AM »

Hi all
Had a look at the points yesterday and they were a bit black and crispy so I spun the engine over with the dizzy cap off and we had a lot of sparking and arcing across the points so I decided to 'quickly' change the condensor...2 hours (that's what it felt like!) and it was out but it is a poor wee thing nothing like the new ones we have in stock so I detect a bodge in the dim and distant past.

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
Posts: 346

« Reply #768 on: 05 February, 2021, 11:41:11 AM »

Lengthen the wire on a new condenser and fit on the distributor side of the coil with its bracket earthed on the coil mounting bracket. Saves the hassle of removing points screws etc.

1600 HF. S2.
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #769 on: 05 February, 2021, 06:45:08 PM »

That is an excellent idea...but I've just fitted the new condensor in the original position will bear it in mind though for the future. Got the points out today they are in a very grotty condition so they have been changed. Reset the ignition timing and gave it a spin and got a nice bang and the smell of burning oil so will fit some new plugs ( the old ones are very black and oily )and some fresh petrol tomorrow...

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Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
Posts: 358

« Reply #770 on: 06 February, 2021, 08:31:49 AM »

My condenser is externally mounted on the distributor:


1953 Lancia Appia Series 1
1931 Austin Seven deluxe saloon
1914 Saxon Model A roadster

(previously owned Lancias: 1958 Appia Pininfarina coupe, 1987 Delta LX, 1986 Delta cabriolet, 1991 Dedra 1.8, 1993 Dedra 1.6)
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #771 on: 08 February, 2021, 08:43:34 PM »

Hi all
During my efforts to get the engine going I have been baffled by the lack of a test to show that one has the engine timed there are no marks on the camshaft sprocket you need to line up...during a bit of light reading of a S3 user manual I came across this see below

* S3 valve timing.jpg (125.89 KB, 794x1123 - viewed 358 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #772 on: 08 February, 2021, 08:48:59 PM »

The instructions seem to make sense so I tried them on my engine a S2 lump and it indicates surprise surprise the timing is out so weather permitting I will go over to Hartlepool and have another go at the valve timing. I was dubious at attempting this with the engine in the car but once I had took the bumper, radiator, water pump, dynamo, crankshaft pulley and timing chain cover off I was pleasantly surprised how much room there was and as the car is up on the dollies it was at a good working height.

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* DSCN5122.JPG (73.7 KB, 640x480 - viewed 605 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #773 on: 08 February, 2021, 08:51:55 PM »

The $64,000 question is will it run with the timing chain cover off hmmm.... would save a lot of work if it still not right...

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #774 on: 06 August, 2021, 09:51:14 PM »

Been a while but have spent a bit of time under the bonnet and we have found a reason for the none starting... Pics and explanation tomorrow.

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #775 on: 07 August, 2021, 08:01:32 AM »

It looks like the dowel on the block has been fouling the cylinder head stopping it clamping down on the head gasket and making a proper seal. The gasket looks very uncompressed in the picture as the head is pulled up

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Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #776 on: 07 August, 2021, 08:03:53 AM »

The offending dowel can be seen on the right of the picture with bits of cylinder head on it Guilty!!! The corresponding hole in the cylinder head shows evidence of binding.

* DSCN0121.JPG (381.19 KB, 1600x1200 - viewed 302 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #777 on: 07 August, 2021, 08:07:40 AM »

The result of this can be seen with the oil in cylinder number 4 and to a lesser extant in cylinder number one. The other 2 cylinders are dry but have big soot particles in so all the pistons will have to come out to be cleaned the bores checked the ring gapping checked, the dowel hole cleaned out and a new head gasket fitted.

* DSCN0115.JPG (408.28 KB, 1600x1200 - viewed 289 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #778 on: 07 August, 2021, 08:10:18 AM »

I will have to check the oil feed to the head to make sure that is not binding and preventing the head being pulled down correctly as well.

* DSCN0116.JPG (413.43 KB, 1600x1200 - viewed 302 times.)

Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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Posts: 1808

Slow but rough

« Reply #779 on: 07 August, 2021, 08:13:27 AM »

So the sump is off and I can now get the pistons out. In a way despite all the work involved I have a reason for the low compressions and can hopefully sort it out.
Relieved of Redcar

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Fulvia Coupe S2 Flavia Coupe 1967 1.8 Kugelfischer Prisma 1.6 carb Y10 Fila Y10 Touring Dedra 1.8 Dedra 2.0 Turbo Appia S1
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