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Author Topic: Mille Miglia tour of Italy, 14th -20th May2018  (Read 3158 times)
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Posts: 1275

« on: 29 October, 2017, 08:40:15 AM »

I hope you don't mind me getting in touch. I wanted to extend an invitation to members of the Lancia Motor Club to join a tour I am organising next May, which follows the Mille Miglia around much of its route round Italy. As you know, Lancias have a long connection with the Mille Miglia, and I would love to welcome some of your members to join me.

The aim of my tour is to experience the thrill of the Mille Miglia without the crippling expense. It is, without doubt, one of the great motoring events of the world: 450 sports cars from the golden period of 1927-1957 thrashing from Brescia down to Rome and back over 4 glorious days. But entries are over-subscribed by a rate of 4 to 1, and the typical outlay is north of £15,000 (the entry fee has just gone up to €9,760.00).

So my idea was for a group of like-minded enthusiasts to meet in Brescia, follow the same route, enjoy the same countryside and towns, feast on delicious food and wine, but not be part of the official Mille Miglia. It was exhilarating. We were a group of diverse cars: a 3-litre Bentley, a Ford V8, a Bristol 400, a Jaguar XK140, a Peugeot 404 cabriolet, and a Mercedes 300, plus a couple of moderns. Four of the cars were successfully delivered to and from the event on a covered transporter that I organised through E.M.Rogers of Northampton. They are offering the same extremely reasonable price this year. See price sheet for details.   

This is what the driver of the 1925 Bentley had to say:

"I am considering doing the Mille Miglia tour again next year. The stop overs were excellent as were the meals. Perhaps lunch could be a panini! All in all it was a really great drive. I LOVED it!"

Next year's Mille Miglia leaves Brescia on Wednesday 16th May. We would convene on the evening of Monday 14th. This gives us all of Tuesday to soak up the atmosphere and see the cars before we set off with them on Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday evening we stay with them in Cervia Milano Marittimo, on the coast, and depart early the next day to San Marino and south into Tuscany. After Cortona, the MM continues down to Rome, but we head to a farmhouse near Siena. The next morning, after a leisurely breakfast, we drive into Siena to watch the exhausted crews as they race up from Rome to Brescia. We then spend the weekend relaxing before all departing on Sunday 20th May.

Please see the attached documents for more details. The tour is open to any car, but please consider bringing something that can manage reasonable average speeds, and that will generate a positive response from the thousands of spectators who turn out! I wonder whether you might be so kind as to forward the invitation on to your members, or perhaps put a notice in your members' magazine? Bookings made before 31st December enjoy a £50 discount.

I hope to see some Lancias in May!

Thank you so much, best wishes,


00 44 (0) 7905 493773

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