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Author Topic: Cotswold Festival of Motoring in Bourton-on-the-Water on Sunday 12th August 2018  (Read 3701 times)
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Permanent resident
Posts: 1275

« on: 29 October, 2017, 08:41:22 AM »

Dear  Lancia Motor Club
With your help we aim to make this inaugural “Cotswold Festival of Motoring” an annual event attracting a wide selection of vintage, classic and sports vehicles that will be a huge visitor attraction to an area that is already a prime tourist destination. 
Organised by the Rotary Club of the North Cotswolds all proceeds will be going to charity and The Cotswold School in whose grounds the event is being held - so it’s all for good causes.
 Festival Atmosphere
As well as the vehicle displays for visitors to enjoy, there will be fun for all the family with food and beverages served from classic vehicles, traditional stalls in a Village Fete area, merchandise and music.
Within this festival we can comfortably exhibit some 250 interesting vehicles. Already confirmed are a superbly original 1920 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost, a “factory fresh” 1959 Mini and a currently campaigned D Type Jaguar race car.
The Cotswold School is a stone’s throw from Bourton-on-the-Water’s 18th Century Church in the heart of the village.   Bourton-on-the-Water, often described as the “Little Venice of the Cotswolds”, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. You’ll only be a short walk from the Motor Museum, Model Village, Maze, Perfumery, Birdland and Greystones Nature Reserve should you wish to explore more widely.
Concours Competition
No Festival of Motoring would be complete without a Concours Competition and we will be no different with awards ranging from best in show to the ever popular and often surprising People’s Choice.
Vehicle Exhibits
We are looking to show an interesting cross section of vehicles so the number of entries from each club may be restricted to no more than 10. However, exceptions will be made, by arrangement, for special anniversaries etc. I know you celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Lancia this year but if your Club has a significant date to celebrate next year please let us know. As this is in aid of good causes we would also appreciate a contribution of just £6 per car which also entitles free entry for drivers and passengers in exhibiting vehicles.
If you feel that this signature charity event will appeal to your members please, in the first instance, reply to this email giving us a contact and an idea of how many vehicles you would like to exhibit and we will keep you informed about future developments.
John Barber
Chairman of the Cotswold Festival of Motoring Committee

1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo
Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« Reply #1 on: 29 October, 2017, 11:48:05 AM »

Hi All
I've been in touch with John and he'll be very happy to welcome the club to this event but : there are only ten spaces. If you would like to go ( and it is quite a way off ) please get in touch with me and I will compile a list for John, I have agreed to be the contact for the event ( as it is fairly local to me ). As I understand it, they would like details of cars for the programme when it is published - which I'll be able to provide easily enough from our database.

Steve Pilgrim
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