« on: 15 August, 2017, 06:15:04 AM » |
We run a very informal Italian Car Breakfast Meet four times a year which may be of interest to your members, and I wonder if you would be good enough to add it to your events page. It is a completely free-to-attend and friendly meet, held on the first Saturdays of April, June, August, and October. On that basis, our final meet for this year will be held on Saturday 7th October. We will then re-start on the first Saturday of April 2018. The event is held at The Departure Lounge Café, in Alton, Hampshire, starting at 10am. The Café has a good field which we can use to display cars separately from the ‘regular’ car park. The address is as below: The Departure Lounge Basingstoke Road Alton Hampshire GU34 4BH The event is open to any Italian made car of any age, and we have had just under 50 cars from classics to modern supercars representing every major Italian marque. There is no need to book, and attendees can simply come along if they feel like it to show their car, chat to other enthusiasts and have some breakfast if they would like to. I hope this will be of interest. Kind regards, Ross