Another terrific SPR, many thanks and congratulations to Ade, Sarah and the team. Great location, hotel and "the right crowd in the right cars"

Modestine behaved well apart from the occasional miss-fire and the rebuilt (for the umpteenth time) clutch was light, smooth and responsive. She has a slight oil leak but I console myself that it keeps the underneath lubricated and corrosion free! However, combined with the persistent rattle on tickover the engine is going to have to come out and be stripped for investigation soon.
In deference to Margaret's health problem instead of driving the 160 miles to Wales we purchased an impressive second hand Ifor Williams CT177G trailer to transport Modestine to just this side of the Severn Bridge. BMW X5 and trailer were left in a farm yard courtesy of the app "Just Park" leaving us to motor the seven miles over the bridge to the Chepstow rally base hotel. I can thoroughly recommend "Just Park," you simply enter your desired destination and up comes a number of people offering parking spaces at very reasonable cost.
A wedding, SPR, two school Proms for two grandchildren, and 6 weeks at our house in France again using the trailer adds up to a satisfying Summer's motoring with Modestine.

The last picture is of Martin Wilems fitting a new petrol pump to Paul Bishops Flavia Sport Zagato.