Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #120 on: 13 July, 2016, 07:47:16 AM » |
Computer on its side time please gentlemen!!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #121 on: 23 July, 2016, 10:13:44 PM » |
Time to see what the next batch of photographs come out like!!! Hint, the car is no longer on the rotisserie and thus should appear 'right way up'!!!!
Today the Gussie is actually back on its wheels!!!! It is on dollies just to simplify things in the workshop, but a huge step .... axles on (the front will be switched for the original shortly) plus wheels and the steering all linked up. No brakes, not even the back plates, but all ready to go for paint.
The photographs show the result of many months of effort.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #122 on: 23 July, 2016, 10:15:08 PM » |
Let down by the last one!!!!
« Reply #123 on: 23 July, 2016, 10:23:34 PM » |
No worries Andy, looking the part and great to get it this far.
Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #124 on: 08 November, 2016, 09:20:53 PM » |
I keep thinking of bits that need to be painted along with the shell ..... then I need to find them!!!! So there are a couple more bits bolted on and the bonnet plus headlamp shells and supports are boxed up inside ready to go. As I think you, know finish colour will be black, I'll choose a modern, easy to match version so that when I uncover yet more parts that should have been painted with the shell it shouldn't be too much of a challenge!!!!
Here's the latest photograph taken yesterday. She is lined up ready to exit the workshop so that I can drive the Appia in to do the gearbox swap. It will not be straightforward as the 3 car workshop has but one pair of doors in the centre. So the Gussie will be pushed out, the Appia will be driven in, put up on dollies then gracefully(?) spun round a support column to a position to one side of the workshop. The Gussie will then be pushed back in to await transport to the spray booth!!!!
Progress is being made, it just is painfully slow!!!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390
« Reply #125 on: 09 November, 2016, 09:06:11 AM » |
Three cars and a cart 
David Laver, Lewisham.
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Posts: 1494
« Reply #126 on: 09 November, 2016, 09:19:28 AM » |
That should be two carts David, there is another lightweight one in the back. A cart enthusiast described that one to me as "the Golf GTi of its day"!!! He, unfortunately poor chap, didn't understand about Lancias!!!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 2560
« Reply #127 on: 09 November, 2016, 01:43:39 PM » |
I love the photo of the Augusta peering out of the garage
AmilcarCGS, ApriliaCabrio,S2Aprilia, 2xArdea c'cino,S4 Ardea, Appia c'cino, Appia f'cino,B20s4,R4 Sinpar, R4 Rodeo, 65 Moke, 3xR60 Tractor, 2xToselli 78, Moto Guzzi Ercole,LR Defender, Mini ALL4 JCW, Moto Guzzi Cardellino, Fulvia GT, RE Himalayan
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #128 on: 09 November, 2016, 10:16:11 PM » |
Tomorrow morning should see the Gussie not just peering out through the workshop door, but actually moving out under her own steam ..... That sounds better than will actually be the case, under her own steam should be more accurately written as under the effect of gravity, The difficult bit getting her out will be stopping her, there are no brakes!! Getting her back in after the Appia has entered and done her twirl will require a little more effort. Hence Jim will be putting in an appearance and I have also blackmailed a neighbour into providing a little motive force!!!
The above of course does depend on the Appia actually starting tomorrow morning!! I have 12.68 volts on the battery and am hoping for the best!!! Time will tell!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390
« Reply #129 on: 10 November, 2016, 03:54:59 PM » |
Got a winch to pull her back in?
David Laver, Lewisham.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #130 on: 10 November, 2016, 10:12:44 PM » |
Better than a winch I had a Jim and a neighbour!!!!! Seriously, as this is just the shell, no mechanicals and no interior there is not a lot of weight and the whole operation went very well.
Starting the Appia was a worry as it was cold and damp this morning. At first there was a lot of churning, no action and a lot of cursing!!! A quick spray of WD 40 later and all was well!!! I went for a quick drive along the seafront and then up to the workshop. With the three of us the Gussie was pushed out, the Appia driven in, jacked up, dropped onto the dollies and spun round into her final position within 35 mins. In another 10 mins the Gussie was pushed back in and we were congratulatingh ourselves on a job well done. That is a very rare experience for me, usually jobs do not go as planned and always take at least 3 times as long as expected!!!!
The photograph shows the end result!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 1487
« Reply #131 on: 11 November, 2016, 09:09:56 AM » |
Black is black is black ain't it? It was in my day!
David Wheeler. Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
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Posts: 1494
« Reply #132 on: 25 January, 2018, 03:58:24 PM » |
Well, it's time to wake this little thread up after 15 months of inactivity!!!!
I regret that I am still not playing with the cars, but Minera has been working on my front axle!!! Of course there is a problem ...... but only one, so far!!!!
One of the springs is broken, not the main one I am pleased to say!! So does anyone out there have a spare one of these that I may purchase? I am not sure how to describe it, but a picture speaks a thousand words so there are 6000 words to follow!!!
The first photograph with this message show my broken spring, this is followed by two photographs showing the spring dimensions ...... the spring being measured is from the other sliding pillar.
Three more photographs follow.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #133 on: 25 January, 2018, 04:01:12 PM » |
Three more photographs ..... so if anyone has a spare spring, please contact me!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 2560
« Reply #134 on: 25 January, 2018, 04:48:15 PM » |
I've got a 47mm x 28 - could you shim it ?
AmilcarCGS, ApriliaCabrio,S2Aprilia, 2xArdea c'cino,S4 Ardea, Appia c'cino, Appia f'cino,B20s4,R4 Sinpar, R4 Rodeo, 65 Moke, 3xR60 Tractor, 2xToselli 78, Moto Guzzi Ercole,LR Defender, Mini ALL4 JCW, Moto Guzzi Cardellino, Fulvia GT, RE Himalayan