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Author Topic: Lancia superjolly Arca Camper  (Read 12636 times)
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Posts: 9


« Reply #15 on: 11 June, 2014, 01:20:33 PM »

Yesterday we had our annual Lancia Club dinner here in Belgium, and it turned out other members had digital photo's of the superjolly, so here we go!
I'll try to post now and then about the progress, But first a little history.

I fell in love with a Superjolly Arca Camper some 17 years ago, when there was one on display only on the Mostra Scambio in Imola.  (Much later this one was sold to the Jansen family in Knegsel, Holland, only some 60 km's from where I live)

It now happened that one of the members of the Lancia Club knew of another Superjolly Arca Camper, which he accidently found on a vacation near Ventimiglia.  He even had a picture of it, and the owners telephone number.

Long story short, a few months later I found myself a very happy Hector in a van on the way to Belgium with an enourmous trailer carrying the Superjolly.

Due to other projects it was stored for quite a while, but the past few years I've worked on it every now and then.

I decided to remove the subframe, as after 30 years of standing I reckoned it needed a proper mechanical overhaul.
Only then I discovered some major play on the front wheel bearings, and found out this was an area where the previous owner already had tried to resolve some problems.
I also discovered that in fact only very little is shared with the Original flavia subframe, in fact this is limited to the bare subframe and the engine block. (even the aluminium castings carrying the suspention are different)
Everything else is superjolly specific, causing me a lot of trouble to locate spares.

In the meantime I redesigned the front bearing layout, as, for once, I was not happy with the Original design, which didn't seem to have lasted very long, since the car had only 77.000km on the clock.

Next will be the complete rebuitding of the engine and supension.

The bodywork is in fact in pretty good shape, only the complete lower 10cm of the cabin needed replacing.  The welding is now done, and all undercoating has now been removed from the cabin floor to allow for proper inspection/repainting.
For the rest all will stay as is initially, including the non-Original colour sceme (it was white-blue originaly just like the Jansen Arca camper, but the first owners had it repainted in the seventies 'per metterla piu moderna', which I wish they hadn't...)

The braking system had been partially removed before I bought the vehicle, and I now decided to use more modern (E-type racing 4x40mm ) calipers for the front, and rebuilt (with aluminium pots) Original spec calipers on the rear axle.
A new dual booster will be fitted resembling the Original system as much as possible.

Still hoping to locate new suspension ball joints by the time I get to re-assemble the subframe and suspension.

The fuel tank is another problem, I contained almost 10 kilo's of solids, and after I opened it up I decided It maybe better to make a new one in alumunium...

Attached some photo's:

The Jansen Lancia Superjolly Arca Noah

Lambda Torpedo SWB S8/9
Artena Berlina S1
Artena Chassis
Belna Berlina S2
Astura Autocarro S1
Astura Drophead Coupe S2
Astura Berlina S3
Astura Cabrio Pinin Farina S3
Astura Cabrio Gurney Nutting S3
2x Flaminia Berlina S1
Appia Cabrio Vignale
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