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  • Bristol Italian Auto Moto: 19 April, 2014
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Author Topic: Bristol Italian Auto Moto 19-04-2014 (Easter Saturday)  (Read 14290 times)
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Posts: 2722

« on: 15 June, 2013, 04:35:13 PM »

Celebrating 100 years of Maserati
« Last Edit: 13 November, 2013, 12:35:29 PM by sparehead3 » Logged

Steve Pilgrim
Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« Reply #1 on: 28 January, 2014, 10:52:32 PM »

Registration for this is now open on the website , you must send an email off with your details to the organisers and get your booking confirmed. Space in Bristol is limited (because it is located in the old city) , you can't just turn up for this one - unless it's without a car !

Steve Pilgrim
Posts: 239

« Reply #2 on: 17 February, 2014, 01:17:04 PM »

Just booked in for the event.


Simon 8477
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Posts: 6240

« Reply #3 on: 18 February, 2014, 10:53:43 PM »

Just booked in for the event.


Simon 8477

And me.

8227 Cool

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
Dedra Technical Adviser
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« Reply #4 on: 13 April, 2014, 01:34:08 PM »

Just been down to the Marshals briefing (along with Simon - HFHPE) on a very sunny day in Bristol. Lancias are parking in Small Street so here's hoping for a decent day!

Also went down to the Bristol Queen's Square Avenue Drivers club meeting and was amazed at the number of vehicles attending that - they must be near to capacity as they were not only double parked on the road but also the opposite pavements. 2nd Sunday of every month for that - but be there by 9am if you want a parking space on the square.

Steve Pilgrim
Andy D
Senior Member
Posts: 162

« Reply #5 on: 20 April, 2014, 09:50:43 PM »

A nice sociable day out yesterday and a good selection of cars.  Here are some photos from me:

LANCIA FULVIA 1.3 by Mick Travis, on Flickr

LANCIA AURELIA B50 by Mick Travis, on Flickr

LANCIA FULVIA 1600 HF S2 by Mick Travis, on Flickr

LANCIA DELTA HPE HF by Mick Travis, on Flickr

LANCIA APPIA COUPE by Mick Travis, on Flickr

LANCIA DELTA INTEGRALE by Mick Travis, on Flickr

And the full set can be found here:

1990 Delta HF Turbo i.e.
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Posts: 1327

« Reply #6 on: 21 April, 2014, 07:41:54 AM »

Nice photos Andy, good day out with excellent organisation by BIAMF yet again.


1973 Fulvia S2 1.3
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Posts: 4390

« Reply #7 on: 21 April, 2014, 05:34:24 PM »

I really like the Fulvia photo straight on.  Did you have to dive for cover?


David Laver, Lewisham.
stanley sweet
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Posts: 1149

« Reply #8 on: 22 April, 2014, 09:36:53 AM »

Great shots of beautiful cars. Too many 'take homes' for me to list. I like the juxtaposition of the Series 1 Fulvia next to a similarly coloured Fiat Dino Spyder - makes you realise how many mouthwatering cars there were around in the sixties. I don't know why Dr Who wastes his time travelling around the universe, I'd just go back to Italy in 1969 with a load of cash.

1971 Fulvia 1.3S 'Leggera'  1999 Lancia Lybra 1.9JTD LX SW
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Posts: 2722

« Reply #9 on: 22 April, 2014, 11:24:51 AM »

That's a great set of photos Andy. I doubt he'd have need to dive for cover as the Fulvia is coming down Bell Lane which is really narrow Smiley it's part of the charm of getting people to drive old (or really big/wide) cars down old streets Cheesy

Steve Pilgrim
Richard Fridd
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Posts: 3501

« Reply #10 on: 22 April, 2014, 11:32:13 AM »

I really like the Fulvia photo straight on.  Did you have to dive for cover?

  I like that photo too. Looks low and wide. Diving for cover? Reminds me of a keen sort on the 1992 Targa, who was down a man hole taking pictures of cars just before they drove overhead

Richard Nevison Fridd                                                                      Happy Lancia, Happy Life
Andy D
Senior Member
Posts: 162

« Reply #11 on: 22 April, 2014, 01:06:00 PM »

Thanks for your nice comments everybody.

I didn't need to move too quickly David as the car was still quite far away when the photo was taken (lots of zoom!) and it wasn't moving too quickly.

1990 Delta HF Turbo i.e.
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Posts: 4385

« Reply #12 on: 22 April, 2014, 05:11:40 PM »

Thank you for those...always delightful


Frank Gallagher
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Posts: 6240

« Reply #13 on: 22 April, 2014, 11:32:28 PM »

I haven't downloaded my photos to my PC yet, but it was a great day, although not without incident on my part.
I left home 5.20am Saturday morning, at 6am just entering Aylesbury the front offside tyre went flat so I had to pull in and change it.
This left me with 3 x 165/14's and 1 x 145/14,  last year before going on the Fulvia Knights Rallye I changed my 145/14s for a set of 4 x 165/14s. although the spare, a brand new Toyo 145/14 remained, as I didn't really want to spend money replacing  it.
Another reason is that a 165/14 won't fit in the spare wheel well, surprisingly having one odd tyre didn't seem to make any difference.
Having sorted that out I then headed off for Oxford looking for petrol, first place I found open was a Sainsburys best part of the way to the A34 Junction around the Oxford Ring Road.
After Filling up I locked "Fay" up and went to pay, on returning I unlocked the door but as I completed the operation the key broke off in the lock Angry as the ignition key on Fulvias is seperate to the door key I carried on, reaching Bristol at 8.25 am, and being on my own I followed the directions as best as I could from the end of the M32, unfortunately due to being thrown by Roadworks I turned left instead of right and found myself heading out of Bristol on the Bath road that didn't seem to have anywhere to turn round.
After finding somewhere to turn I eventually found myself at the end of the M32 again, so I had another try, eventually arriving at 8.50am.
All in all it was a very good day with lots going on with many Motorbikes ( a new Ducati at £28k sir?) and scooters as well as the cars.
There was a lovely Aurelia B50 that belonged to a Mr Sherwood from Hereford, it was the 1951 Geneva Show car, and didn't it look it! I can't see Mr Sherwood in the Members Listing so I'm assuming he's not an LMC Member, or just not listed.
There was also a beautiful Maserati Sebring which I believe was it's first time out since restoration, there were more Ferraris, Lamborghinis & Maseratis than you could shake a stick at, one a Quatroporte that is shown in amongst Andy's photos being a particular 'In your face' Yellow, which didn't seem to be most peoples favourite colour going by the comments around, a couple of Maserati GT's in a darker yellow were much easier on the eye.
We were near to the market and what a fascinating place that was, including one place that sold excellent home made pies with peas, mash and gravy, thanks Steve for introducing me to that delightful experience. Grin
What really made the day for me was "Fay" being chosen as the best 4 door Saloon, and being awarded about the biggest Rosette I've ever seen, as well as a very nice wedge of engraved glass; it was a good day for Lancia all round as the B50 also received an award.
On the Sunday I'd booked a hotel for the night at Symonds Yat in the Wye Valley where we used to live, arriving at the Hotel I soon established that there was no secure parking, and not wanting to leave "Fay" open all night in a public car park I headed for home instead, in torrential rain.
When I got home I found that my interior lights, the red lights in the doors, my dipped headlights and the headlamp flashers weren't working, so I suspect that the rain has got into the electrics during my 120 mile drive home, not surprising being how heavy it was, so I'm just hoping everything dries up on it's own, although I'm not holding my breath, today when I took the punctured tyre in to be repaired I found the wheel well an inch deep in water, something that's never happened before.
What a contrast to the Fulvia Knights Rally last year when a broken bonnet cable was the sum of my problems in 13 days and 2350 miles!
All efforts with Pins, blades and even superglue on the end of a stick in the hope it would set and enable the broken key to be extracted, failed, so it looks like I'll be partly stripping the door and removing the handle to get at the barrel.

8227 Cool

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
Dedra Technical Adviser
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Posts: 2722

« Reply #14 on: 23 April, 2014, 06:53:17 AM »

FYI : Smiley

Steve Pilgrim
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