Hello Brian - Thank you for the information. Yes, they do look similar. My experience is limited to coupé/Sport units which usually have an off-set eyelet at the bottom. Also they are at maximum expansion at 345mm eyelet centre to centre, which is considerably shorter than a coupé/Sport needs. Perhaps the S1 saloon, with the lower ride height, just needs shorter units. You don't fancy having a crawl under FAY with a tape measure, do you??? (Might be to your advantage, as I was about to dump them!)
Kind regards - Roddy
Hello Roddy,
I'm taking "Fay" out for a run over the weekend complete with tape measure

and I shall have a look.
Is it possible that the number stamped on the body 56372 might be 52372? as I've found a reference under shock absorbers to 52372.
I'd hoped the technical section of the manual would give open & closed lengths of them, but it only gives values for testing on special equipment.
Best Regards