This (pictures below) is an MG engined 50s special with an Augusta front axle (that I first saw a decade ago at Crystal Palace, and somewhere have my Viva Lancia write up about) and at the Goodwood Revival it had problems with the brakes.
When hot they drag, and they'd had them apart numerous times and not found the problem. "Oh they're all like that" I say sagely, "if the liner gets thin in the alloy casting variations in thickness result in distortion when hot, and you really should check there's no corrosion between the liner and housing".
They nod, and the mechanics agree its a good enough story to just put a bit more clearance in for the weekend, and they'll get the driver to order some new ones "as for him its money no object", and they've heard of TypeCast and agree its the obvious place to go.
We now wait for them to get the pattern made - and sneak in behind with the batch. Now what is the phrase I'm looking for
