Peter, any parts that Kevin donates that aren't of use on my restoration will be given away free to anyone else who needs them. Once I've sorted through the spare parts I'll list them on the Beta forum and maybe have a garage day here? Parts that aren't kept for spares after that can go to Mark for future use by others.
What I love about this community is the way people are willing to help fellow owners with time, parts and sources, it's largely the same with the Stratos crowd. Long may it last.
Kev, I'll drop you a text and organise a van for a week on Saturday - 8th April and try to get to you as early as possible! The search for suitable boxes begins...
Cheers all
The fact that this bunch of parts may help a few guys keep theirs going is great, exactly why I have offered them for free, hopefully they'll be useful rather than sit on my shelves gathering more dust and rust.