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Author Topic: Zenith carb  (Read 1797 times)
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Posts: 36

« on: 06 December, 2022, 08:54:59 PM »

I managed to remove the float chamber bowl from my carb and failed to note which of the two holding bolts came out of which hole.....
They are different - one has a square end and the other is round. They are different lengths as well.
I have failed to find any drawings on the web of the type 30VEH - but the downdraught version looks to have an identical float chamber bowl.
On this assumption I am about to fit the longer (square-ended) one into the hole nearest the cylinder block. This would appear to be borne out by the fact that drawings I have found of similar side draught carbs with the float chamber mounted towards the rear have the bolts fitted  the other way around.
Can anyone confirm that this is right?
Sorry to bore you with this first-form error....... 
Senior Member
Posts: 199

« Reply #1 on: 07 December, 2022, 10:03:21 AM »

No boring moments here, there is always something to learn about.

No, it's not right. The parts catalog shows 2 identical bolts to attach the carburettor bowl. (31-625/18) The Zenith 30 V-type carburettor was manufactured in different countries and in many variations. It may well be that some parts are different, like my Zenith that has hexagonal bolt heads, while a spare one has square bolt heads. The square end at the bottom of the bolt tread serves as a tool to remove jets at the bottom of the bowl. Also there are variations of starting devices.

The late Morris Parry has written an excellent article in the Augusta Newsletter 20. If you would like a copy, I can send it to you by e-mail, plus a copy of a description of the 30 V-type carburettors. Do you have an Augusta owners manual? If not, I'll be glad to pass the relevant pages to you.



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Posts: 36

« Reply #2 on: 07 December, 2022, 11:06:04 AM »

Thanks very much for this helpful reply.
I do indeed have Newsletter 20 - but haven't got that far in compiling my index so didn't find the relevant article.
I was wondering why one of the bolts had that square end when I couldn't see any obvious function for it. I will now use it to extract the jet to eradicate the last traces of four year old petrol....
Strangely I had been wondering for a while what would happen if a jet got blocked - a curse of another car with a Zenith in which I have travelled many miles abroad and at home but never without a jet key.   
With any luck this Augusta should be mobile by the end of the year - fingers crossed!
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