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Author Topic: Frequently Asked Questions - Using the forum  (Read 6974 times)
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« on: 06 April, 2008, 07:43:41 PM »

Below are some answers to some questions that have cropped up in the past. If your particular query isn't answered here, please feel free to drop me a line at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Q: How do I attach a picture to a post?
A: When posting, you'll see "+ Additional options" below the text entry box. If you click on the text, it reveals more options including one to attach files. Next to the "Attach" box is a button that allows you to browse your computer for the file you want to attach.

Q: The "home" screen is cluttered. How do I streamline it?
A: The main boards have a "-" next to their name. If you click on the sign, it hides all the topics in that board. To reveal them again, click the "+" next to the board name.

Q: One of the topics has disappeared! Where has it gone?
A: In order to keep the forum up-to-date and relevant, I undertake periodic housekeeping. Nothing is deleted, however, so if there's a particular thread you wanted to re-read, drop me a line and I'll bring it back from the archive. As at April 2008, I have archived the topics covering the 2006 centenary celebrations, and 2007 events.

Q: What's the censorship policy?
A: Upon registering for the forum you are required to accept the terms of use, and generally, this sets the standards you will be required to comply with. Additionally, posts may be edited if they cause offence (or are likely to). Other than that, you are welcome to take part in free and open debate and exchange of opinions.

On a more general level, please remember that short posts can lack context and tone and hence be open to interpretation. This can result in someone reading a meaning that you didn't intend! Please take a moment to read your post before submitting to make sure it says exactly what you want it to!
« Last Edit: 06 June, 2012, 11:59:16 AM by sparehead3 » Logged
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