Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Fulvia => Topic started by: angelorange on 18 November, 2014, 02:54:34 PM

Title: Five speed gearboxes
Post by: angelorange on 18 November, 2014, 02:54:34 PM
Tony Wilson (over 40years expertise with Hewland and other racing transmissions) has rebuilt and refurbished my 818_540 fanalone piggy back,  818740 1600hf box and now has two 818630 boxes that have been stripped,  assessed and reassembled.

One is very usable with good gears and bearings, usual wear on synchros.  The other is assembled but not sealed to facilitate rapid rebuild with new ratios such as bacci Romano or ingranaggi prina gears. Additional set of gears/layshaft etc available but best ones are in the gearboxes.

Contact Tony:

Or yours truly: Info at lukafoto dot com

Title: Re: Five speed gearboxes
Post by: angelorange on 24 November, 2014, 11:17:34 PM
Photos now up :

NB: linked pics are (c)lukafoto 2014