Lancia Motor Club

Buy, Sell and Search => Spares for sale => Topic started by: Parisien on 05 May, 2015, 01:43:19 PM

Title: Lancia Beta/Y10 parts for sale - new old stock
Post by: Parisien on 05 May, 2015, 01:43:19 PM
The club received this email today, please correspond directly with Karl, plus there are photos of 4 items if needed


Dear sir/madam,

I am contacting you to see if anyone in the lancia club would be interested in purchasing a few new old stock parts.

I have collected many parts for various cars and now i am concentrating on restoring a couple of vehicles now and i am clearing out all the stock i shall not be needing in the future and would rather offer them to the clubs first.

The parts i have are

lancia beta brake calipers bendix number 669118 - pair of

lancia y10 156 caliper x1 85-95 bendix 669016

lancia beta water pump veco number vf098

lancia beta oil pump 75 - 85 1800cc

Please let me know if these are of any interest to your group.

I look forward to your reply

karl horsfield
59 howden close
south yorkshire
dn4 7jn

01302 536777 - 07766226154
