Sliding Pillar
Permanent resident
Posts: 1727
« Reply #75 on: 15 July, 2017, 05:21:26 PM » |
The radio I had for my B50 Cabriolet was one of the Square type. It was for a B20, but the B50 had a much shorter slot for it to fit in, so I had it converted to modern internals with FM and a fly lead for a external mobile phone connection (The cost is long forgotten.... but I know it wasn't cheap!)
The radio that is currently in the B12 is a modern retro style Blaupunkt, it has the filigree finish of the dash, but it also has a surround, so does not fit as nicely as the ones in Sebastien's or my original radio photos. (The one in my photo does have the filigree finish, but it is rather worn!!) and doesn't have the lovely matching buttons. I wonder how many of these original B12 radios were made, considering there were (at least) two different styles there can't be that many around.
The B12 already has an aerial mounted on the wing, so I don't have to worry about drilling a hole, but I did have this dilemma on the B50. In the end a very kind LMC member (sorry I can't remember who ) gave me an aerial for under body mounting, this might be just what you need for your B12 Brian.
« Last Edit: 04 November, 2017, 10:26:31 AM by Sliding Pillar »
1955 Aurelia 1961 Lamborghini
Sliding Pillar
Permanent resident
Posts: 1727
« Reply #76 on: 04 November, 2017, 10:25:22 AM » |
The B12 is featured in an article in the December 2017 Classic & Sports Car magazine. Written by Martin Buckley, who really enjoyed driving it, his summing up reads:- "This is a special example of a special car. Not just one of the great Lancias, but one of the greatest saloons of its time."
« Last Edit: 14 February, 2022, 11:00:46 AM by Sliding Pillar »
1955 Aurelia 1961 Lamborghini
« Reply #77 on: 04 November, 2017, 12:21:31 PM » |
Inspired by Ade and after a shorter search I have also acquired (nice but not as concours as Ade's) from Italy. We drove it home last weekend, and now in the process of registering and giving it good mechanical review and service.
I concur with Martin Buckley's statement that it is a great saloon, with great driving appeal.
Here is our car at the summit of Col de Mont Cenis. We have called her Aurora!!!!
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart? Lancias: 1955 Aurelia B12 1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR 1972 Fulvia 1600HF 1972 Fulvia Sport 1600 1983 HPE VX 1988 Delta 1.6GTie 1998 Zeta 21. 12v
« Reply #78 on: 04 November, 2017, 12:25:15 PM » |
Congratulations again Tim, looking forward to updates and photos as you find your way around your B12, do enjoy and welcome to the "club"!
Frank Gallagher
stanley sweet
Permanent resident
Posts: 1149
« Reply #79 on: 04 November, 2017, 05:30:34 PM » |
Well done Tim. These cars ooze class.
1971 Fulvia 1.3S 'Leggera' 1999 Lancia Lybra 1.9JTD LX SW
« Reply #80 on: 06 November, 2017, 01:48:49 PM » |
Two stunning cars. Such understated far removed the CAD designs of today.
1939 Series 1 Aprilia undergoing very slow restoration..... Previous Lancias: 1979 Beta Sedan 2000, 1982 Delta 1500, 1988 Delta 1.3, 1992 Dedra 1.8ie
Rebel Poster

Posts: 840
« Reply #81 on: 06 November, 2017, 07:59:31 PM » |
My copy of this months C&C landed this evening. Apparently I have to do the ironing before I can read it....
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #82 on: 08 November, 2017, 07:09:20 AM » |
Excellent news Tim, I am sure it will continue to give you huge pleasure!!
I'm just wondering how the neighbours will react to the now desperately needed rather large extension that will be needed to the garage!!!!
« Reply #83 on: 08 November, 2017, 10:30:08 AM » |
Excellent news Tim, I am sure it will continue to give you huge pleasure!!
I'm just wondering how the neighbours will react to the now desperately needed rather large extension that will be needed to the garage!!!!
You are right Andy.... I need to sell a few (but which?  I love them all)
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart? Lancias: 1955 Aurelia B12 1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR 1972 Fulvia 1600HF 1972 Fulvia Sport 1600 1983 HPE VX 1988 Delta 1.6GTie 1998 Zeta 21. 12v
Permanent resident
Posts: 2253
« Reply #84 on: 08 November, 2017, 06:47:42 PM » |
I think you need to invest in a storage facility Tim then keep adding to the collection. There must still be some gems that you need to own. After all, they are investments as well as objects of desire.
Permanent resident
Posts: 6241
« Reply #85 on: 09 November, 2017, 01:01:14 PM » |
When is the collection Being opened to the public  Brian 8227
Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay" 2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer Dedra Technical Adviser
Sliding Pillar
Permanent resident
Posts: 1727
« Reply #86 on: 10 November, 2017, 07:56:11 AM » |
1955 Aurelia 1961 Lamborghini
« Reply #87 on: 10 November, 2017, 05:36:53 PM » |
Lovely piece, but then I'm a tad biased!
Great pics of the B12 on the move, looks a lot more elegant, and all I can say about the leaning on the corners was that it was down to poorly cambered roads!
Martin clearly delights in his older Lancias, long may it continue and thank you Ade for getting the B12 into the spotlight again.
Frank Gallagher
« Reply #88 on: 10 November, 2017, 06:29:38 PM » |
Ade, was being facetious, having owned DS/Cx's and 2CVs for a period of nearly 10 years off and on, am well aware of what body roll/soft ride is, and in relative terms the B12 doesn't look too bad, but it was of its day and thats how they were set up.
« Last Edit: 10 November, 2017, 06:35:37 PM by Parisien »
Frank Gallagher
« Reply #89 on: 11 November, 2017, 01:41:08 PM » |
Off topic but I loved Dyanes back in the day and loved their roll but I never was in a position to see how the steering coped. It seems to develop a lot of toe-out on extreme angles from your excellent photo.
Back on topic I thought my B12 lent into roundabouts and exits a lot so am comforted that this is a characteristic and that I can put a rebuild of the sliding pillar on the back burner. I was mightly impressed with the handling especially on fast corners, but it does feel like it wants to understeer on slow tight ones. Maybe I should be using more throttle - but it was early days in getting to know the car.
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart? Lancias: 1955 Aurelia B12 1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR 1972 Fulvia 1600HF 1972 Fulvia Sport 1600 1983 HPE VX 1988 Delta 1.6GTie 1998 Zeta 21. 12v