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Author Topic: Delta integrale Evo 2 / OBD / StarTrek & LanciaTrek  (Read 14151 times)
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Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« on: 03 June, 2015, 11:57:40 AM »

Hi All,

I've been reading the lanciatrekdos that plugs into the integrale and allows the engine to be read on a laptop. Further reading today showed that the Evo 2 is different and can used the Startrek software (that also works with the Nouva Delta / Fiat Coupes).

Has anyone any experience with this ?

If they haven't then I'll write up how well this works with mine ... once I get the cables together

Here's the link :

Drivers Link :

Evocorner link is here :
« Last Edit: 12 April, 2017, 12:33:53 PM by sparehead3 » Logged

Steve Pilgrim
Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« Reply #1 on: 17 June, 2015, 11:44:23 AM »

Ok, so this is what I've bought:

FIAT OBD I cable to OBD II connector
Halfords Cigarette Cable connected to power the ODB I cable
OBD II cable to USB socket

My laptop running Windows7 with the StarTrek 409 software downloaded.

Install the Drivers from the ftdichip website.

- Plug in the cables blue light comes on on the OBD II cable
- run StarTrek
- select the USB cable from the dropdown
- select the 16v Turbo engine from the menu

and it works ...

I can see the engine running on screen and if I turn on the logging then when the StarTrek program is closed down I get a CSV file with all the data which I can open in Excel.

I had an original problem with a dodgy cigarette lead that blew the 10A fuse. This was confusing as everything worked but the Laptop wasn't talking to the Engine. There is an indicator on the StarTrek software that was a a constant green - but I think this just indicated the cables were connected. It was only when the fuse and cigarette light cable and the blue light was on the cable did this constant green light on the StarTrek software start flashing meaning that data was being exchanged.

It seems to me that the integrale ( and Nouva Delta ) is at a crossover between early computers being used with OBD I ( which is not standard ) and OBD II which is ( post-1996 ).

ODB stands for On-board Diagnostics ( I didn't know ! ) - you can read about it here
« Last Edit: 17 June, 2015, 11:47:25 AM by sparehead3 » Logged

Steve Pilgrim
Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« Reply #2 on: 01 September, 2016, 11:37:10 AM »

As a catch up on this, I've rebuilt my laptop* and following my own instructions ( which is why they were detailed in the first place Smiley ) - I've run StarTrek and LanciaTrek on my standard EvoII. I've captured the images of it idling and with ignition on and I'll add them on here. My reason for doing this is the car seems fine but the idle can vary a bit when driving it before fully warmed up - then it idles fine.

These images show the sensors are talking to the ECU and seem reasonable values. The values were from last night ( 19c ) and the car had been running for a few minutes before the images were taken ( so not completely cold ).

The next exercise will be to drive the car with the laptop plugged in and see what the resulting spreadsheet says.

*re-installed Windows7 as it just isn't able to run Windows10 ( too many pauses )

* ST_3108_IgnitionOn.jpg (153.02 KB, 960x585 - viewed 771 times.)

* ST_3108_IgnitionOnIdling.jpg (152.49 KB, 960x585 - viewed 703 times.)
« Last Edit: 01 September, 2016, 11:40:29 AM by sparehead3 » Logged

Steve Pilgrim
Permanent resident
Posts: 1275

« Reply #3 on: 02 September, 2016, 06:31:40 AM »


1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo
stanley sweet
Permanent resident
Posts: 1149

« Reply #4 on: 02 September, 2016, 09:25:54 AM »

Things have certainly advanced since putting a piece of rubber tube in your ear.

1971 Fulvia 1.3S 'Leggera'  1999 Lancia Lybra 1.9JTD LX SW
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Posts: 2722

« Reply #5 on: 02 September, 2016, 10:39:56 AM »

Smiley I think that the integrale is right at the start of all this ( all versions ). The EvoII is different to all the other integrales - different ECU but shared with the Delta2/FIAT Coupe - but for someone like me ie: not rubber tube aware at all , it does allow me to check up on the car.

I expect that today's cars are light years away from this ... I don't know whether there are any homebrew software tools like this out there ( I would imagine there are for Civics, etc )


Steve Pilgrim
Senior Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #6 on: 22 October, 2016, 10:02:18 PM »

Hi Steve, I have thought for a while that I would like to experiment with Startrek on my EVO1 and Delta 2 and and have recently sourced a cheap laptop running Windows7.
Can I ask you for part nos. for the leads required for connection, there are plenty listed on ebay but some not suitable for Windows7 and others not very specific.

Evo1 1992, Delta HPE HF 1998, Beta coupe 2000,1983.Audi TT. Delta HF Turbo,1988.
Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« Reply #7 on: 23 October, 2016, 06:25:16 PM »

Sure, I'm try and find them Smiley - other that what I wrote on the top post - I got them through Amazon eBay so should be able to find my order

One thing : startrek will work with the Delta HPE - but you'll need a long cable to the cigarette lighter as the OBD connector is in the engine bay ( in modern cars this doesn't happen and in the integrale it doesn't happen but with Delta 2 it seems to ) , for the evo 1 then lanciatrekdos is the thing to use.

Update - these are the item descriptions from eBay ( bought in 2015 ) :

3Pin OBD to 16Pin OBD2 Diagnostic Adapter Connector Cable for Fiat Alfa Lancia

USB OBD2 II KKL ECU DIAGNOSTIC CABLE LEAD FD232B chip compatible with VCDS-LITE - I will check that this is the correct cable - I know had a problem with one and bought another ! Cable is in the car though so I can visually check ( I'll put a photo up too ! )

The first cable goes into the yellow engine cable in the car, and then this has an OBD II connector on the other end. On this cable, I bought a cigarette adapter and connect it so the cable is powered.

The second cable converts OBD II to USB and this plus into the laptop. You need to download the drivers for this ( see link at the top ). This cable has a blue light on it when it's on.

When the laptop is talking then it works instantly with just ignition on ie: you can check sensors prior to start up. When the engine is on then you'll see RPM / etc. Once it was all setup on my my laptop ( and I have Windows7 ) then I have some shortcuts on the desktop to run the program with the correct settings.

Lanciatrek works on the EvoII but some of the results need re-calibrating. When I next get time I'll send the information off to the author so there may be an updated version. He has version working on a phone - meaning a HUD type setup on the dashboard - which is pretty cool!

For my own use , what I like is being able to get a 'standard' set of readings that I can compare in the future - it makes it very much easier to talk mechanicals ( and I'm not a mechanic ).

The FIAT Startrek is pretty cool as it will create a spreadsheet of values. So, I've plugged it in and taken the car for a driver ( laptop in the footwell ) and you get a nice set of results   showing the warm up and what's going on. My long term aim is to keep this data so I can use in the future should I have a problem.

It's another reason for doing this thread is to have a known place for the data and over time it would be nice to cover off all the Models that can do this ...
« Last Edit: 24 October, 2016, 12:10:53 PM by sparehead3 » Logged

Steve Pilgrim
Senior Member
Posts: 119

« Reply #8 on: 24 October, 2016, 09:35:16 PM »

Thanks for the update Steve, I will wait for your confirmation of part before purchasing.

Evo1 1992, Delta HPE HF 1998, Beta coupe 2000,1983.Audi TT. Delta HF Turbo,1988.
Permanent resident
Posts: 2722

« Reply #9 on: 27 November, 2016, 04:38:09 PM »

I realised that I hadn't posted any pictures on here so went out to look at the cables - they don't have any part numbers - so other than the information on the order that I did above that's all I know.

I've enclosed the OBDII cable end pictures ( so USB to ODBII ). Hopefully you should be able to find them somewhere ...

* DSC_0019 (Small).JPG (112.69 KB, 720x480 - viewed 2898 times.)

* DSC_0020 (Small).JPG (67.9 KB, 720x480 - viewed 2860 times.)

Steve Pilgrim
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