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Author Topic: Opening a Beta Coupe Boot  (Read 10304 times)
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Posts: 18

« on: 03 August, 2016, 09:20:59 AM »

I bought a Beta Coupe a few years ago and until now it's been sitting awaiting restoration. I've just begun, however I can't get into the boot. It looks as if it has a different key,  as the door key just won't open it. I wondered whether anyone knew any method of getting into the boot without causing any damage? You may prefer to PM me for security reasons.

Many thanks,

Rebel Poster
Posts: 922

« Reply #1 on: 03 August, 2016, 02:31:43 PM »

PM sent


Beta Spyder S2 pre F/L 1600
Beta HPE S2 pre F/L 1600
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« Reply #2 on: 03 August, 2016, 06:29:26 PM »

I presume peteracs has given the authoritive answer but I recall many years ago with other cars we used to solve this problem by removing the rear seat back and collecting all the socket extensions we could find to unscrew the boot lock from the inside.
Rebel Poster
Posts: 922

« Reply #3 on: 04 August, 2016, 06:23:04 AM »

Hi Frank

No such luck, just know this has been asked a few times on the Beta forum, so directed Adam there for suggestions. Your solution sounds sensible and obviously has worked before.



Beta Spyder S2 pre F/L 1600
Beta HPE S2 pre F/L 1600
Posts: 18

« Reply #4 on: 04 August, 2016, 10:42:34 AM »

Thanks both, it seems the only viable solution is forcing one seat back out of the way to access the lock. I'll update if I devise a more sympathetic solution.

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Posts: 2252

« Reply #5 on: 05 August, 2016, 06:59:41 PM »

Don't force the seat back. Someone will be able to give you the routine to remove it if you need it. Of course you will then find the nice welded cris-cross steel bracing bars, the sound deadening sheet and, oh yes, some helpful sole has probably bolted a spare wheel right in your way! Keep us posted on how you are getting on.
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Posts: 1275

« Reply #6 on: 06 August, 2016, 07:27:13 AM »

Yes you don't need to force the seat. Take off the lower squabs, which just pull out. I think the backrests are just on clips then, pull gently from the bottom IIRC. As Frank says, you then have to work your way round all the other bits that are revealed.

I hate the Coupe boot lock. With my last car my only door key broke. I had two copies made which worked the doors and petrol cap fine, but would never lock the boot. I could only do this with the broken key shaft in a mole wrench.

Last year I had a new boot lid fitted with the old lock mechanism. Ever since it will lock, albeit the barrel does not retract into the lid, as it should.Then you have to jiggle the key around for ten minutes to get it unlocked, stressing the plastic top of the key, so I just leave it open. I've taken off the lock and re fitted it all possible ways, but to no avail. A guy in Australia has had exactly the same problem but no-one has been able to suggest a solution.

1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo
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Posts: 840

« Reply #7 on: 06 August, 2016, 09:20:24 AM »

One of the few parts I've got on the Stratos replica from it's Beta donor is it's early series glovebox lock (used as a boot lock) but the only key that came with it was the original door/boot/fuel cap key. And the plastic head was broken off that too so someone had brazed a washed to the end of it! No need for molegrips!

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« Reply #8 on: 06 August, 2016, 09:53:39 AM »

You need to act fast to get a replacement as blanks are running out. Yes you still can get them if you have a good key cutter man. I got one in deepest south of France just last month for my Delta and I got same in Colchester for my Beta glove box lock on the Stratos rep...

Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
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« Reply #9 on: 06 August, 2016, 11:01:51 AM »

Is it too complicated to replace the entire key and lock barrel from one of the big car parts websites (for kit cars etc)?

1971 Fulvia 1.3S 'Leggera'  1999 Lancia Lybra 1.9JTD LX SW
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« Reply #10 on: 07 August, 2016, 06:57:45 AM »

Is it too complicated to replace the entire key and lock barrel from one of the big car parts websites (for kit cars etc)?

The problem is how the lock barrel, and it's cam, acts on the clamp/catch that actually secures the lid. The clamp/catch is unique to the Coupe and I can't see how you could replace that with a generic part?

1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo
Posts: 18

« Reply #11 on: 07 August, 2016, 05:13:21 PM »

Of course the alternative is to open up the lock and remove some/all of the pins. It will then open with any key, but other than that will fully function (and who's going to try breaking into a Beta boot these days?!)
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Posts: 2252

« Reply #12 on: 07 August, 2016, 06:56:30 PM »

Removing the rear seat back; I seem to remember the two sides are separate with a screw through a metal tag protruding below the bottom of each seat back. Once that is removed there is a metal prong sticking up from the bodywork behind the seat back on which the cushion is hung by part of its' wire frame. The backrest therefore has to be pushed up off this prong before it can be withdrawn from the car.

That's my recollection. Someone will surely correct me if I have got it wrong.
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