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Author Topic: Front bumper  (Read 4447 times)
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Posts: 89

« on: 07 February, 2016, 04:57:05 PM »

What exactly is the story of bumpers on English Aprilias? Are they modified Ford Y items? If they are, what were the mods? The Y bumpers with which I am familiar have a 'groove' pressed in which is often filled with paint. They also have a little roll at each end like a harmonic bumper. Our Series One has a rather Y looking bumper without the groove and with plain ends. Unfortunately, one end has fallen off due to a poor welded repair.

Stuart Tallack

Of course, if anyone has a spare....
Posts: 289

« Reply #1 on: 07 February, 2016, 07:11:50 PM »

My googling for the same reason shows 2 types of Ford Y (PERIOD) bumpers. One is plain and the other does have the groove and I am unconvinced that they were both for Ford Ys. According to the US of A dealer the mounting holes are pretty well in the right place and the length about right.It is only inertia that has stopped me getting one as I do have a flat albeit rusty straight bumper that I did have on my flat rad Augusta that would be fine for the back.

Please keep us informed!!


Brian Hands

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« Reply #2 on: 08 February, 2016, 02:22:51 AM »

Looking at the info on the Ford Y & C Model Register website all the UK Fords seem to have a groove or grooves in the front bumper, the only without on their list is the German assembled Ford Koln where they mention the bumper did not have grooves. Very similar to my Aprilia but with slightly different ends. The again looking through their gallery photos there are a few UK registered cars with smooth bumpers. And to confuse things even more in 1946 the Stainless Stephen Aprilia had one with a groove!!. If someone can get some dimensions off a Ford that could help.


* KoumlBIG.jpg (50.71 KB, 500x375 - viewed 793 times.)

* Mountian to Surf-446.jpg (321.53 KB, 1024x768 - viewed 449 times.)

* Stainless Stephn Aprilia.jpg (188.73 KB, 674x1024 - viewed 472 times.)

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Posts: 203

« Reply #3 on: 08 February, 2016, 09:16:51 PM »

When you have solved this one I will start looking for bumpers for my 1937 car,I currently have a front bumper with curled ends but I am not at all sure it is correct and I have no rear bumper to match.
Posts: 89

« Reply #4 on: 09 February, 2016, 02:50:14 PM »

Investigating a little further, it appears that the German Ford bumper is the correct one. When used on the Ford Koln, it seems to have had a bracket welded at the back which bolted on to the car... hence no fixing holes. The one on Stainless Stephen's car would be most acceptable despite the groove but they are apparently rarer than hen's teeth. Could Lancia GB have bought just the blades for the German Fords and drilled them to fit the Lancia? The chances of finding the correct German one must be zero. Oh, well! weld it up again I suppose.

Thanks for the interest and I am sorry that it has proved to be a dead end.

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