Has anyone fitted an electronic/breakerless ignition to their Fulvia? If so what unit did you use, who supplied it ,how easy was it to fit and is it fairly unobtrusive?I was thinking of it for the 1.6HF which has a Marelli Distributor.
Hi Eyore
I've recently fitted one to my 2c it was made up from a kit from Maplins, by a friend, I'm not really into electrics but he says it was pretty simple to make.
I found it very simple to fit

, but I needed to replace the coil as the 2c has the ballast resistor fitted to the coil, I understand if you bypass the resistor using the original coil you will overheat it.
That was soon taken care of by buying a Lucas high performance 12v coil, this cost about £24. since fitting my 2c runs much smoother & seems to have more power, it also now has a consistent tickover, something that was always a bit iffy with the old set up,fitting it only entailed mounting the plastic box containing the electrics on the support strut near the heater, removing the condensor (this must be disconnected removed) and attaching a
red (fused) wire to the + side of the coil
Blue wire to the - side of the coil
green wire to the points by connecting new wire to the connector that the condensor was attached to.
My 2c has a Marelli distributor.
I carry the old coil with the ballast resistor & the condensor in the boot, so if anything goes wrong it's a very simple job to revert back to the old.
I'll can email you some photos if you want me to, as I'm not sure if the photo uploading is still a problem.
Brian Hilton