This is the comprehensive workshop manual put together by the late Peter Pompilii. It contains the full the manual compiled by the LMC librarian in the early 1990s covering all models supplemented by relevant cuttings and additional pages selected by Peter from other sources. Each page is in a separate plastic folder in perfect condition. It is in two lever-arch binders – maybe 200 pages in total. See photos. Total weight is 4.8 kg.
This advert should also be in the July issue of
Viva Lancia! The invitation is to make bids in excess of a starting price of £60, with a closing date for bids at the end of August 2015. The buy-it-now price is £90. The winning bidder will also be expected to pay for post & packing, or arrange collection from north London.
All proceeds to go to the World Wild Life fund, which was Peter Pompilii’s choice of charity.
Happy bidding!