What a great website for Delta, Dedra and Thema owners who want technical info in English. Never seen it before.
Hi Chris,
I see they have the Thema 8.32 Manual in German on the site.
for anyone who needs the information I'm still the Dedra Technical Advisor, I have nearly all the Dedra manuals and technical supplements in English including the automatic manual, I have the Dedra integrale 4x4 Manual in Italian, the HF Turbo and the integrale share engines and many other parts so it's also helpful for HF,l've never been able to get my hands on a Dedra HF manual but many parts are the same or similar to the higher spec Dedras.
I also have Thema Manuals including the rare series 3 manuals.
Y10 I have 1st series, 2nd series that never came to the uk, manuals for the Y10 4x4 and the selectronic supplement.