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Author Topic: New MOT and VIN Numbers  (Read 8048 times)
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Mark Webb
Posts: 41

« on: 08 July, 2007, 06:50:33 AM »

Has anyone else had problems with the VIN number not matching their log book (sorry V5) and having grief with their MOTS?
With both of my cars the VIN number has had the first two zeros missing between the type (818631 etc) and chassis number 0074XX.
Last year I had this with Peter's Zagato and this year with my own car (mine for the past 27 years), seems too much of a coincidence to be just me, now I'm waiting for the letter asking me for my VIN no and then new V5.
Or am I just unlucky Sad
Richard Fridd
Permanent resident
Posts: 3505

« Reply #1 on: 08 July, 2007, 11:06:58 AM »

hi mark,had the same problem with my car /bike if i remember correctly the 'change of details' section had to be used and new paperwork issued by DVLA.should be ok next time round!

Richard Nevison Fridd                                                                      Happy Lancia, Happy Life
Permanent resident
Posts: 6241

« Reply #2 on: 08 July, 2007, 05:52:55 PM »

No problems with the Fulvia  Grin, but DVLA not adverse to transcribing details wrong on change of ownership, I bought Dedra Auto that had been written off as too expensive to repair by the insurance company, which came without a V5.
I applied for a new V5 from the DVLA & had a letter back from them  pointing out that chassis number I supplied from the vin plate was incorrect to the Registration number, Shocked  on checking with Fiat UK the chassis number the DVLA said was correct to my registration number, related to a LHD 1.6 in white supplied to Europe,  Huh? whereas my Dedra was a 2.0ie Auto RHD in Black supplied to the UK!, although the number was within a 10 digit range of what was on my vin plate; it took a letter from Fiat UK pointing out the chassis number I had was correct for my Dedra, & that there had been a mistake at some time previously, to get the correct details on the new V5.

Brian Hilton
8227 Cool

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
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Mark Webb
Posts: 41

« Reply #3 on: 08 July, 2007, 09:50:56 PM »

Looks like Lancia is just too much for DVLA after all thats two fulvia sports in Kent, probably not many more in the county! Though there are two of us in Chartham now as one (an S1) is resident down the road (in the big house!), two owners in one village must be quite a rarity!
I think you are right Brian, its more likely they got some cheap (student?) labour in one summer and it was all too much trouble to put all those numbers in right!

Richard,hope all is well with you and you are not working too hard, I am at the moment (hence not at Goodwood for the first time in 26 years) but at least I'm earning a crust!

Posts: 25

« Reply #4 on: 09 July, 2007, 11:59:50 AM »


Yes, I had exactly this problem with my Fulvia. When I got the car back on the road after a ten year absence, the local MOT centre logged the car on the MOT database in order to issue a ‘computerised’ ticket. I then got a letter after a few weeks asking me to check the chassis number and forward this with the logbook to the DVLA.       

I guess when the DVLA checked the given chassis number against the one on the logbook it flagged up an alarm as the numbers didn’t exactly match.

To be fair, the process was quick and hassle free, however it did seem a complete waste of time to as the car has been like this for almost forty years!!!!

Good Luck

Permanent resident
Posts: 1487

« Reply #5 on: 20 July, 2007, 07:32:49 PM »

Look up the number the DVLC thinks you should have on the DVLC site and get a new chassis plate from Omicron to suit!  At least that is what I have had to do on my 1300 which is thus revealed as an amalgam of at least two cars!

David Wheeler.  Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
« Reply #6 on: 20 July, 2007, 09:51:40 PM »

I've never found an MOT tester who knew where the 'stamped' number was, so as long as your blue
plate is correct no problem.
Mark Webb
Posts: 41

« Reply #7 on: 21 July, 2007, 02:41:29 PM »

Obviously my MOT man is just not dodgy enough!
To be fair he always does the job properly which I would rather have than the 'only 300 miles last year well its just the brakes then' that I had a couple of years ago with another garage.
Mot in my hand and back home in 10 minutes!
It was the blue plate that did not match the log book but cannot remember if I ever did check it, having had the car for 27 years I have squatters rights anyway.

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