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Author Topic: HELP!!!!  (Read 4969 times)
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Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« on: 19 June, 2013, 11:03:34 AM »

1967 Flavia Coupe 1.8

I've been getting my Slave Cylinder rebuilt and we've hit a problem and require a replacement piston for the part shown in the attached picture?

Can anyone sell me this part or even sell me a complete slave cylinder that is in need of a rebuild?

When rebuilding the cylinder we were working with a workshop manual and it suggested that the seal for the rear braking system piston sould be the same as the one for the front piston (seal 7 in the kit). My machine shop chum worked to the manual and machined the piston to take the seal supplied in the kit, but this has resulted in the rear brakes coming on with a sharpness that causes them to lock up at a touch of the pedal.

So I need an original piston to allow us to rebuild the brakes in the same manner as they came apart. Yeah, I know, don't ask. He's a nice guy and thought he was doing me a favour! Roll Eyes

P.S. I need to get the car back together before the 5th July as a friend wants to use it as a wedding car!!!  Undecided

* Servo Part.doc (207.5 KB - downloaded 237 times.)
« Last Edit: 19 June, 2013, 11:10:30 AM by Angle Grinder » Logged

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

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1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
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1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
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1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
Senior Member
Posts: 173

« Reply #1 on: 19 June, 2013, 08:51:43 PM »

Hi, whilst I cannot help with the part Sad Would you mind saying where did you get the seal kit from? as I need to rebuild my servo as fluid is leaking into the engine

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Posts: 5073

« Reply #2 on: 20 June, 2013, 07:36:46 AM »

If out of luck you could use the replacement slave system supplied by the consortium en block.

What is wrong with the part??


Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
1955 Aurelia B12
1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR
1972 Fulvia 1600HF
1972 Fulvia Sport 1600
1983 HPE VX
1988 Delta 1.6GTie
1998 Zeta 21.  12v
Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« Reply #3 on: 20 June, 2013, 01:30:43 PM »

The seal kit was obtained from the Flavia Consortium... you have to join this if you are going to run a Flavia. It's worth every penny of the membership fee!

The problem is that the workshop manual shows the seal on the actuating piston for the rear brakes to be the same as the one for the front brake piston. I gave the workshop manual and the seal kit to my friendly mechanic as I thought my cylinder might need his tooling expertise to polish the insides smooth (as it turns out the bore was really quite good). My friendly mechanic found the the piston for the rear brakes would not accept the supplied seal so he took the slightly unusual solution of machining the piston to fit the seal. This worked fine, but the new seal has resulted in the rear brakes coming on before the front ones and this is not a nice characteristic when entering a bend. It seems that the piston original had a more flexible seal and this resulted in the rear brakes applying after the front ones were biting (a much better set up!).

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
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Posts: 5073

« Reply #4 on: 20 June, 2013, 04:03:32 PM »

Consortium must a have an old slave as they sell new alternatives with servo.....

Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
1955 Aurelia B12
1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR
1972 Fulvia 1600HF
1972 Fulvia Sport 1600
1983 HPE VX
1988 Delta 1.6GTie
1998 Zeta 21.  12v
Senior Member
Posts: 173

« Reply #5 on: 20 June, 2013, 07:28:38 PM »

The consortium are all out of new servo's which is originally from Frenos Ireunos in Spain. I will see if they have a full seal kit though. What sort of seal is that is needed? is it a lip seal or a slipper seal (lip seal with an o-ring to energise it)?
Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« Reply #6 on: 20 June, 2013, 07:32:12 PM »

Colin is already on the case, and knows he has what I need just hasn't located it yet.

The workshop shows it as seal 7 in the diagram, but the one that came off the piston was a seal of type 9 according to the workshop diagram. It shouldn't be too hard to find a replacement as it looks to be a fairly standard O ring.

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
Senior Member
Posts: 173

« Reply #7 on: 20 June, 2013, 09:30:53 PM »

If it is an O-ring, if you have the bore and groove diameters along with the groove width I can let you know the exact spec, material and size and probably find one for you gratis!
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390

« Reply #8 on: 20 June, 2013, 10:33:44 PM »

The new servo is imported by S-V-C and out of stock.  On their home page its under "servos" rather than "brake parts".

My servo is off the car and its the "plan B" to get to the church on time.


David Laver, Lewisham.
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