Yes, definitely the forum pointed me in the right direction straight away so thanks for all of the contributions.
Next job will likely be a new possibly upgraded clutch for the 2C so I'll be asking the forum which is the best way to tackle that!
Any particular reason why? my clutch has been in for 14 years and 22,000 miles with no problems, but I'd better keep my fingers crossed after tempting fate like that


I just felt that after driving it for a while with the leaking carb mounts, it necessitated a lot of high rev pull offs just to get the car moving. At the time, I felt the clutch was beginning to get a little juddery. Now the carb mount is fixed, I can pull away with the minimum of revs and it feels ok but , with it having competed and me not knowing when it was last changed, I figured it would be a sensible move to change it at some point in the not too distant future.
I'd be interested to know what options there are available. I read somewhere on here that the Fiat Uno turbo clutch is a good alternative on the 1300 so maybe there is something similar for the 2C?