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Author Topic: Getting the date of manufacture for my Fulvia?  (Read 21266 times)
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« Reply #30 on: 04 May, 2015, 09:04:27 AM »

I passed the 5 pages listed above to Viva-Lancia a couple of years ago, I also copied it to Tim Speechley at Fiat UK who in turn passed it on to Fiat/Lancia as they didn't have this information either.
do you know the origin of the other pages? I note that you were the author of some of them?

8227 Cool

All the data is from Lancia originally: D.COM/AST was the Department containing the Technical Assistance Service [see page 33 of Geoff Goldberg's new book].
The route of the pages to those that had them is probably uncertain.  Some of the pages may have been obtained from the Biscaretti Museum archives.  The page I wrote up has its sources noted on the page, but again the data will probably have come from various individuals visiting Turin.
There is a very interesting list of chassis numbers for the early cars, which I can contribute, again I think from the Biscaretti, but it does not belong on this thread.

Thank you Paul,
Does make me wonder though if this information was held in the Biscaretti why Lancia over the years has said that it was unavailable when queried for manufacture dates?

8337 Cool

Just to liven this thread up from long ago - the record keeping in Torino is not straightforward. The information can come from two totally different organizations: Biscaretti is the now the National Auto Museum (same place, just redone). Their information is held in a library, slowly been getting it on line. It exists in books, and file folders.

Lancia records are kept in the Centro Storico Fiat, about 2-3 miles away, in a separate museum/storage area, along with Fiat records. The archive is huge - I think they mentioned something like 18 km of files, and they have a heck of a time trying to figure out/organize what they have. Their interest is largely Fiat history, and they have a large display area open to the public - its quite fascinating. The Lancia files were well organized in the early 1990s, fell into a state of neglect in the mid-90s (the dark years) before. They are at least now stabilized, although there is only limited work going on. But sadly, there is no active "central" clearing house for Lancia information, as there was many years ago. Information has to be assembled from bits found here and there.

A few years ago a similar document to the wonderful production sheets shown above was found as the Biscaretti for the Aurelia years - it looked like the mother lode, until it became clear that it wasn't complete. As it looked official, it was certainly confusing enough. Has anyone checked the sheets above? On a casual look, Betas seem a bit under-represented, although the Fulvia/Flavia info looks good. Still making Flaminia sedans in 1970!           

Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
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