« on: 23 October, 2012, 09:43:54 PM » |
On a typically dirty Irish evening three weeks ago I finally got around to meeting up with the 2nd LMC member I've had the pleasure to meet since I joined one year ago. I was due down in Dublin to attend a conference and decided to try to meet up with Kevin and chew the cud, or just chat about Aurelias. Kevin as you all know by now is an oasis in the Lancia wilderness that is Ireland. But I suppose I have be realistic and tot up a few facts and figures to understand that the small number of Lancias on the island is merely reflective of the small population and indeed the lack of wealth during Lancias pre-eminent era.
Kevin lived a bit further out of Dublin than I thought, the traffic, almost Roman like in density, little helped by the heavy rain and spray, we only averaged 40mph for about 20 miles, until finally we turned off the main N7, onto a quite smaller road, ten minutes later we arrived at Kevins house. The rain had eased quite a bit and as Kevin opened his garage door more or less stopped......what wonderful timing.
There sat in his garage, was not one, but two automotive gems. His own coupe, bumperless in a very smart silver livery and to its right the only indigenous Irish B20 in a simply sublime cream colour. I was just gob smacked, seeing my first ever B20s in the flesh was a fabulous moment. I wandered around both cars, tentatively touching their respective flanks, looking up to seek permission to do so from Kevin, I just circled both cars for a few minutes drinking in their details, styling, subleties.
Whilst doing so, Kevin just kept on talking, filling me in on both their backgrounds, what he'd done to them, was going to do to them and generally covering all relevant information concerning these Aurelias. His extensive knowledge and experiences had me spellbound for at least half an hour. He showed me the troublesome engine sat on a pallet in the course of having its head gasket redone, peering into the engineless engine bay was a delight, noting the almost new aspect to engine compartment due to the cream coupes cossetted existence and very low mileage.
The walls and shelves were lined with all sorts of Lancia bits and pieces, tools and spares and manuals, I am sure nearly everything you might need to do nearly all the work necessary to a coupe. We chatted on for an age until it got dark and the city centre hotel beckoned. I shook his hand and thanked him for sharing his cars, time and experiences with me, and indeed offers of advice and help for my own project.
I hope to visit him again in the spring when both cars are out and about, what a delightful thing to look forward to!