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Author Topic: B50 for sale  (Read 17871 times)
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Permanent resident
Posts: 4386

« Reply #15 on: 30 October, 2012, 06:49:24 PM »

Will, can't remember if this one was flagged up before....


Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 4386

« Reply #16 on: 30 October, 2012, 06:52:29 PM »

Try this guy in Australia....has lots for sale....


Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 4386

« Reply #17 on: 30 October, 2012, 06:57:48 PM »

Lancia Aurelia B20 IV serie engine-s (and parts) for sale for Lancia, rebuilt apparently.....12000 euros in Italy


Frank Gallagher
Rebel Poster
Posts: 724


« Reply #18 on: 30 October, 2012, 10:29:07 PM »

Thanks Frank for the suggestions.  I think I've corresponded with all the owners you've pointed out.  The 4th Series engine in Italy (asking price 12k Euros) is close in number to what I want.  Against that is the uncertainty of paying the price for a rebuilt engine when you're not sure of the competence of the work done on it.  A UK Aurelia engine guru told me there's only one person in Italy whose rebuilds he would trust...

There are two things I would like help with (searching internet ads is something I have, I think, mastered over the years, though someone that little bit more obsessive even than I am might possibly unearth an untapped seam!):

1. a private lead to a suitable engine
2. a way of unlocking the missing build data so that I know the number for the engine I really want to track down...

Not much to ask!

'37 Aprilia
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« Reply #19 on: 30 October, 2012, 10:42:44 PM »

Will.....they are out there, but I suspect jealously guarded by their current owners.

12k for an unknown quantity in a huge risk, better off getting a known seized engine, untouched and doing a rebuild in UK. Are the Italians that bad at engine rebuilds?!

I know one or two other people to ask, but as a "newbie" I don't have the depth of knowledge, kudos and contacts others on the forum and in the club have, so might just come up short in getting the relevant answer!

As you say a tip off/private lead to an enthusiast whose in it for the love of the coupe is your best bet.

I know matching numbers is very important, but what truly are the chances unless a worldwide data base has been maintained of current known engines? Fine re known produced engines matched to produced cars, but will be a very long shot. The internet has its limits and in a Lancia Aurelia world of guarded secrets (Italian style), its not what you know but who you know.

Leave it with me and I will let Sherlock off the leash!!!



Frank Gallagher
Rebel Poster
Posts: 724


« Reply #20 on: 30 October, 2012, 11:05:02 PM »

I know matching numbers is very important...


I'm not obsessed with the current 'matching numbers' thing myself.  It can get a bit silly, all that stuff.  But it does irritate me that I currently can't even ask the question: does anyone out there have the engine that my car was fitted with when it left the factory on 11th June 1954?  There's a database in Italy that has the information I want, but I'm not allowed access to it.  This, it seems to me, is against the spirit of the old car world.

This is what I am allowed to know:

data montaggio:   05 - 03 - 1954
rimessa:         11 - 06 - 1954  
colore:         bleu
selleria:         panno
note particolari:      grigio
n. scocca:         002000
n. prop. differ.:      1083
n. sosp. anter.:      1991
n. guida:         2033

It looked at one point like I might have to pay a fee to access the data above, but Paulo Giusti kindly gave me the contact details for the Lancia Club (for historic Lancias) at Fiat, who provided it for free.  But not the engine number (sorry, banging a drum here).
« Last Edit: 31 October, 2012, 01:43:05 PM by williamcorke » Logged

'37 Aprilia
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'53 B20
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« Reply #21 on: 30 October, 2012, 11:18:38 PM »

No doubt theres a way around all this Will......looks like a trip to Italy is in order, press some Italian flesh....Smiley


Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 2104

« Reply #22 on: 31 October, 2012, 07:54:57 AM »

Interesting to consider what happened to the cars which the 3 X B24 engines recently sold by Stolze were originally fitted to? Maybe the cars still exist but with different engines?

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
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« Reply #23 on: 31 October, 2012, 08:24:47 AM »

I have sent you a email as I might be able to help you.

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
Rebel Poster
Posts: 724


« Reply #24 on: 31 October, 2012, 02:03:13 PM »

Interesting to consider what happened to the cars which the 3 X B24 engines recently sold by Stolze were originally fitted to? Maybe the cars still exist but with different engines?

It is indeed intriguing.  The numbers all being so close together seems to be stretching coincidence.  I wonder if the 3 B24 engines were a factory supplied set of 'spare' engines for a USA importer (Hoffman, Inskip?). Someone reading this will, I hope, remember more than I can about a rescue mission, years ago, to save a vast collection of Lancia spares - mainly Aurelia - in the USA.  I read about this somewhere but can't remember where.  GG will know.  Perhaps these engines were part of that story.

Whatever, the c. 40k USD paid for the gold B50, including 4 spare engines, was certainly an outstanding deal for someone.  The spare engines alone must be worth a good proportion of the price paid for the package.

'37 Aprilia
'50 B10
'53 B20
'68 Flavia Vignale
'55 Giulietta Sprint
S1 Land Rover
Posts: 574

« Reply #25 on: 04 November, 2012, 04:18:06 AM »

GG is unhappily forgetting more of what he knew than what he remembers. There was the gold B50 with a few engines, but I don't remember where they came from - they were in NY for sale together at one time. Perhaps one of the older Lancia folks here gave them up.

The proximity of numbers is not unheard of here. THere are quite a few s. 4 B20s from around V20S-1230, all from a major shipment to San Francisco (we think). There are about 8-12 cars right around each of these numbers.

But for these motors - nothing comes to mind. Sorry.

Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
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