So I'm about to embark upon a clutch replacement on my Flavia (815) PF Coupe 1.8.
I spend a lot of time on the internet trying to source the parts and lots of lovely Lancia people offer support (Thanks to Dave G, David L and Colin C).
Last night I think to myself that I should check the service history as there might be some clues in there. Well yes and no...

The clutch was changed in June 1999 by Richard Thorne, but they modified it to a diaphragm clutch which meant mods to the flywheel too. The clutch mods were maybe upgrades requested by Harold Lines as he was planning on using the car in Classic Rallies.
So now I don't know what I'm going to find in my bell housing? I've emailed RTCC, but maybe somebody else has had a Flavia clutch modified by them and can shed some light on where the modified diaphragm clutch comes?