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Author Topic: What colour for my B20  (Read 61124 times)
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Posts: 4389

« Reply #90 on: 24 January, 2015, 05:05:33 PM »

Thanks for insight Geoffrey, just unearthed the dashboard and sure enough under the edge were the main dial is located theres a nice rim of a strong Amaranto colour, you can see how its oxidised/aged on other slightly more exposed parts, so pretty confident we can get it as near to as possible, test cards will be done up over the next couple of weeks, agreed its a lovely colour when done well and freshly!

Onwards and upwards!

« Last Edit: 24 January, 2015, 05:16:03 PM by Parisien » Logged

Frank Gallagher
Posts: 574

« Reply #91 on: 24 January, 2015, 08:57:26 PM »

There you go! Bravo!

Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
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Posts: 1494

« Reply #92 on: 24 January, 2015, 09:52:09 PM »

Well done Frank, a great and well deserved result.

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Posts: 4389

« Reply #93 on: 05 February, 2015, 10:45:20 PM »

This is the colour enlarge the 5/6 photos


Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 4389

« Reply #94 on: 05 February, 2015, 10:55:42 PM »

......or just enjoy the B20 now in this colour.....


* B12 colour 3385f74b5d5a06df43c033a5f743d923.jpg (115.3 KB, 1280x853 - viewed 555 times.)

* B12 colour 6ed2e45ae80bf8f836cf2d47848ef02f.jpg (174.95 KB, 1280x853 - viewed 512 times.)

* B12 colour 92d47d1cd0efbf24f12c1c189a690c95.jpg (160.79 KB, 1280x897 - viewed 530 times.)

* B12 colour 0e99fc89576cc276da081c4cb5583d3b.jpg (142.94 KB, 1280x853 - viewed 506 times.)

* B12 colour 3e74265f052bc803cb35113c74befbdd.jpg (145.12 KB, 1280x832 - viewed 559 times.)

Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 2106

« Reply #95 on: 05 February, 2015, 11:53:24 PM »

A bit too shiny and highly polished for me. Modern paint.

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
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Posts: 1494

« Reply #96 on: 06 February, 2015, 06:13:11 AM »

A beautiful colour, but I do agree with you Chris about the high gloss finish.

What about the price, surely that is somewhat optimistic?

Permanent resident
Posts: 4389

« Reply #97 on: 06 February, 2015, 08:44:13 AM »

True a modern it such a bad thing?


Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 2106

« Reply #98 on: 06 February, 2015, 09:44:58 AM »

But not original I am afraid. I think it matters a lot but of course it's up to the owner. And it's more demanding of the paint shop too.

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
Posts: 574

« Reply #99 on: 10 February, 2015, 02:53:11 AM »


When last visited, the "original colors" were listed as being available through Lechler, but nowhere else. Now it seems that Glasurit is also making vintage paint colors. Its a bit tricky to navigate, but you can get the paint formulas from the Glasurit Classic Car Center -, and then hit "color online" in the upper right. You then choose your paint, although there are different versions of the same color listed.  

So too, Lechler now has it so you can get spray cans of their colors and check it out - still not available in the US. A friend might try to get the same colors from both and see how they match up. No idea if their version of "original" is really right or not. And as Chris points out, watch out for the sheen.
For the Lechler list, go to -
Register, and then login. A rather substantial list of vintage Lancia paints comes up, with current numbers, although no paint formulas. Here's a screen shot of some of the paints. More info at:

* Lechler screen shot paints 2.jpg (208.43 KB, 758x650 - viewed 931 times.)
« Last Edit: 10 February, 2015, 02:25:23 PM by GG » Logged

Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
Permanent resident
Posts: 4389

« Reply #100 on: 10 February, 2015, 09:35:23 AM »

Thanks for the extra research, advice and opinions guys, all highly valued.

I will have a chat with my paint guy this week, hes using a premium brand, will likely go down the final flatting option most likely, given that getting it precisely correct isn't truly doable.


Frank Gallagher
Senior Member
Posts: 164

« Reply #101 on: 10 February, 2015, 05:00:17 PM »

although no paint formulas.
This is very useful, and it is possible to get to the formulas - click on the paint chosen and another screen giving the various types e.g. "hydrofan topcoat" or "basecoat"etc.  Click on one of these and you get a screen like this -

* ardea marrone.JPG (92.75 KB, 1132x906 - viewed 530 times.)

Augusta berlina, Appia S3 berlina
Flaminia convertible 2.8 3c Touring
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Posts: 130

« Reply #102 on: 19 February, 2015, 06:48:28 PM »

This has been a very useful thread and the link to Glasurit is helpful.
I managed to get a list of 49 Lancia colours for 1950-1960 from this website.  Twelve of the colours listed do not have a code but most of the others have a code for which the last 3 digits are the same as the last three digits on the Max Meyer swatch from the 1960-1970s, which appears on Geoff Goldberg's blog: see image attached MM-Swatch 1960-70.jpg

I have had access to this swatch and have scanned all the colour chips and recorded the information on the reverse, along with much other information on the attached pdf file "Colour Reference Table", which I did for my own use, but feel I should share, if only to get more information.  Please note it is a work "in progress" and of course the colours are only approximate.

An example of the old Max Meyer colour and the new Glasurit one is Grigio Bettole.
The Max Meyer chip is code 2.272.8502 nitro acrylic and the 2015 Glasurit code is 10502 with a date range 1953-1963.  Lechler also currently supply this colour as code NF 8080, although they have a date range 1956-1962.

More in the next message about my car.

Paul Mayo

* MM-Swatch 1960-70.jpg (15.88 KB, 240x174 - viewed 755 times.)
* Colour Reference Table-crop.pdf (437.32 KB - downloaded 2846 times.)
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390

« Reply #103 on: 19 February, 2015, 07:02:59 PM »

OTTANIO ARCADIA is quite a colour...

Google translate has it as "teal".

Looks a LOT brighter in the PDF than on this thread:

David Laver, Lewisham.
Senior Member
Posts: 130

« Reply #104 on: 19 February, 2015, 07:30:45 PM »

I am at last getting moving with my B20 which last moved under its own power about 1980 and have been puzzled about its colour.

The Lancia production log says "Beige" with "Panno Nocciola" interior - which it has.  However I knew that my father had had the car resprayed at Lancia (England) Limited, after other work in 1961, and I had assumed it was the still in the original colour, particularly as everywhere was the same colour.  

When, years ago, I was able to see a Max Meyer colour swatch, it was clear that the colour of the car was Grigio Marones - see chip Grigio Marones-MM-1.272.8004.jpg. Indeed, so sure was I, that Geoff Goldberg has included reference to my car on his blog.

Recently I bought a spray can on eBay ( of the Lechler colour NF8021 Grigio marones and it is a very close match to the old paint on the interior parts of my car.  

But all the while I was troubled as to what "beige" really means, and Grigio marones seems rather grey, if light a light one.

So not realising my ignorance, and not having a colour chip to look at, I ordered another can, this time Lechler NF 1077-1080 Beige Avana Chiaro W2510.  Nowhere near - a medium brown.  I can supply sprayed samples of metal/card of these colours if you are interested. [Will add sample shortly to my table]

I then started to look more carefully at the parts from my car and found that the paint on the internal windscreen surround was flaking off, underneath showing a shiny surface in a much warmer colour - more of a beige to me and like a number of cars I have seen.  
Then I realised I might see more of this colour, if it had been resprayed a different colour, by removing the little mouldings by the air-vents.  This did the trick.  
Luckily I was able to look at the Max Meyer swatch again, and the colour is almost certainly Grigio Bettole as described in the previous message. [chip Grigio Bettole-MM-2.272.8502.jpg]

I am now feeling that this part of the investigation is almost done and my conclusions feel "right", plus the colour is available.  But this does show that there is a strong subjective element to these decisions.

Paul Mayo

* Grigio Bettole-MM and 84rpg-2-crop.jpg (115.58 KB, 2616x1411 - viewed 503 times.)

* Grigio Marones-MM-1.272.8004.jpg (8.1 KB, 754x306 - viewed 774 times.)
« Last Edit: 19 February, 2015, 07:34:54 PM by Zetaman » Logged
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