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  • NEC Classic Car Show: 11 November, 2011 - 13 November, 2011
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Author Topic: NEC Classic Car Show - 11-13 November 2011  (Read 36630 times)
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Posts: 233

« on: 17 August, 2011, 12:46:18 PM »


This year the Lancia Motor Club will again be displaying at the Footman James Classic Motorshow at the NEC, from 11 to 13 November.

This really is the flagship Classic Carshow on the year, and we aim to make sure there is a good presence of excellent Lancia's. As most of you know, last year we won the award for the stand displaying the most interesting variety of vehicles. No mean feat.

This year we plan to commemorate some Lancia Anniversaries, and will be supported by stands from the Montecarlo Consortium and the Beta Forum (Betaboyz).

However, what we really do need is some help in setting up and breaking down the stand. Stand set up commences mid morning on the Thursday (10th November), and we really do need to get a few volunteers there to help. For the last few years it has been the same couple of people trying to get everything done and working themselves to  a frazzle!

So, if you can spare a few hours on Thursday 10th November in the morning, through to mid afternoon, or on the Sunday evening from 5pm onwards, please let me know. We need to arrange exhibitors passes for set up and breakdown, so please let me know as soon as possible.

Many thanks

« Last Edit: 26 October, 2011, 11:28:07 AM by sparehead3 » Logged

'73 Beta 1600 S1 Berlina
'79 Beta 2000 S2fl Automatic Berlina
'80 Beta 2000ES S2 Berlina
'83 Beta 1600 S3 Berlina
'79 Gamma 2500 S1 Berlina
'82 Gamma 2500 S1 Coupe
'85 Gamma 2500 S2 Berlina
'82 Delta 1500
« Reply #1 on: 17 August, 2011, 04:47:49 PM »

All being well folks, hope to meet some of you there.  Wink
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Posts: 1494

« Reply #2 on: 17 August, 2011, 06:49:40 PM »

Andy, hope to be able to get some time out to help, depends on how well I am deemed to have behaved between now and then. How soon do you need to know ?

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Posts: 832

« Reply #3 on: 17 August, 2011, 10:25:03 PM »

Andy, hope to be able to get some time out to help, depends on how well I am deemed to have behaved between now and then. How soon do you need to know ?


I am taking care of organising the passes.  I really need to know in the next three weeks.  I will soon be emailing those of you who helped last year to check your availability  Smiley

Stuart Wilson 11175
1973 Fulvia Coupe 1.3
2000 Lybra SW 2.4JTd
2009 Delta 1.9 Twin Turbo
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Posts: 1494

« Reply #4 on: 18 August, 2011, 07:19:24 AM »

Count me in Stu !!

Non-LMC Seller
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Posts: 832

« Reply #5 on: 18 August, 2011, 11:53:24 AM »

I have now emailed those of you who helped staff the stand last year and anybody who has offered to help since last years show.  If there is anybody who helped last year who has not received the email  but wuold like to help again, please contact me.

I have also been working on the stand plan and it looks like we should have a cracking selection of cars on show, subject to the owners agreeing to provide their cars  Smiley

Stuart Wilson 11175
1973 Fulvia Coupe 1.3
2000 Lybra SW 2.4JTd
2009 Delta 1.9 Twin Turbo
Posts: 489

Rust , What Rust !! I don't See any rust !!!

« Reply #6 on: 13 September, 2011, 05:42:24 PM »

Hi Stuart, Alan and myself were thinking of going to the NEC for the show , If you need help we can  be there for the  Friday and the Saturday. Thanks David

My Current Cars:

1991 Thema station wagon
1989 Thema 16v
2011 Lancia Delta 3

1977 Beta sedan 2000
1975 Fulvia S3 1.3
1973 Flavia HF 2000 Coupe
1972 Fulvia S2 1.3
1989 Thema 8.32
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Posts: 456

« Reply #7 on: 19 September, 2011, 11:50:09 PM »

Hi Stuart
            It was suggested to me at the AGM by Roland that an Aprilia rear suspension assembly might make an interesting exhibit at the NEC this year especially with it being the 75th anniversary. I have such a unit which I could bring along although I have to admit it is not exactly chrome-plated. I can clean it up and make it reasonably presentable however.
            Presumably you have an Aprilia lined up for the show so might I ask whose it is?
« Reply #8 on: 20 September, 2011, 06:51:24 AM »

What car's do we have on the stand?
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Posts: 832

« Reply #9 on: 20 September, 2011, 07:13:31 PM »

It was suggested to me at the AGM by Roland that an Aprilia rear suspension assembly might make an interesting exhibit at the NEC this year especially with it being the 75th anniversary. I have such a unit which I could bring along although I have to admit it is not exactly chrome-plated. I can clean it up and make it reasonably presentable however.
            Presumably you have an Aprilia lined up for the show so might I ask whose it is?

Thank you for the offer, but I don't really have the space to spare on the stand.  The stand is slightly smaller than we have had for the last couple of years.  In order to allow space around the cars (of which I am planning for six cars), I need to allow a minimum space of 1.5m, which is what I have around each of the cars.  This leaves very little space to fit any further displays, especially as it would need to be secured in such a way to prevent it from being moved during the show.

We will have an Aprilia on the stand, but I have not yet had confirmation that we have got the car that we want.  Once I have had confirmation of all of the cars, I will post what we will be displaying.

Stuart Wilson 11175
1973 Fulvia Coupe 1.3
2000 Lybra SW 2.4JTd
2009 Delta 1.9 Twin Turbo
Posts: 78

The Illusionist

« Reply #10 on: 26 October, 2011, 10:05:42 PM »

Shall we come up with a theme and do a proper dress up for the NEC?  Grin
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Posts: 2722

« Reply #11 on: 26 October, 2011, 10:19:34 PM »

There is a theme for the show but couldn't find it on the website .... Montecarlo Consortium have done it two years ago ... really good.

Steve Pilgrim
Posts: 78

The Illusionist

« Reply #12 on: 26 October, 2011, 10:28:25 PM »

There is a theme for the show but couldn't find it on the website .... Montecarlo Consortium have done it two years ago ... really good.

The theme is "Runs in the family". Montecarlo guys are doing a good interpretation of it with the 'mafia' dress up this year.
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« Reply #13 on: 27 October, 2011, 07:10:28 AM »

Mafia is more appropriate to my Aprilia!!

But I am bring some TinTin stuff (minor) - anyone got a stuffed snowy and small boy with ginger hair???


Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
1955 Aurelia B12
1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR
1972 Fulvia 1600HF
1972 Fulvia Sport 1600
1983 HPE VX
1988 Delta 1.6GTie
1998 Zeta 21.  12v
Posts: 233

« Reply #14 on: 27 October, 2011, 09:20:30 AM »

If only you had asked for a small boy with ginger hair 35 years ago Tim. I could have helped. Now, unfortunately, I can only guarantee the presence of a fat, old, bald man.  Sad Time is cruel!!! Smiley

* 267499_10150319469935439_579735438_9388870_1047532_n.jpg (82.28 KB, 487x720 - viewed 748 times.)

'73 Beta 1600 S1 Berlina
'79 Beta 2000 S2fl Automatic Berlina
'80 Beta 2000ES S2 Berlina
'83 Beta 1600 S3 Berlina
'79 Gamma 2500 S1 Berlina
'82 Gamma 2500 S1 Coupe
'85 Gamma 2500 S2 Berlina
'82 Delta 1500
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