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Author Topic: Delta winter storage?  (Read 7205 times)
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« on: 31 July, 2011, 08:08:29 PM »

Just wondered how people tucked up their Deltas during our condensation ridden winters? Been looking at various options, any tips ideas welcome.  Wink

Did look at these as a possibility?

Carcoon Click Here
Permanent resident
Posts: 6241

« Reply #1 on: 31 July, 2011, 10:42:28 PM »

Just wondered how people tucked up their Deltas during our condensation ridden winters? Been looking at various options, any tips ideas welcome.  Wink

Did look at these as a possibility?

Carcoon Click Here

Have a look here as we've discussed the alternatives a number of times before, as you can see from this post I've used an airchamber for getting on 10 years with excellent results, although you still need to exercise your car on dry days, leaving them standing no matter how well you look after them is nowhere near as good as taking them out on a dry day for about 30 miles, to get everything warmed up and working as it should, personally I wouldn't go for a carcoon although at the time I bought my Airchamber I did consider the Carcoon, it's major drawback imho is that the only thing that holds it up is the air inside, and that you have to open it up completely to get your car out, whereas the airchamber and some others have a framework so you only have to open up a door, Hamilton's do a nice one now that is better than my framework as it has a tubular frame outside and the chamber itself is hung like an inner tent from it, have a look at the Rudlers site as they can supply alternatives.
Another thing to consider is do you have mains power where you intend storing the car? you can run them off of 12v 85AH leisure batteries ( 1 in use, 1 on charge weekabout if you don't have mains power), and I did so for about 8 years, but you can't beat running off of mains power, for starters it's a lot easier and the fans run faster.
Photos are from 2005 when I had a concrete garage that used to sweat like you wouldn't believe and when I ran it on batteries, this garage was also 4 miles from home which didn't exactly make life easy.

8227 Cool,

* Fay & Air Chamber 1.jpg (387.91 KB, 1600x1200 - viewed 666 times.)

* Fay & Air Chamber 2.jpg (400.28 KB, 1561x1200 - viewed 644 times.)

* Fay in Garage 1.jpg (197.82 KB, 1600x1200 - viewed 618 times.)

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
Dedra Technical Adviser
« Reply #2 on: 31 July, 2011, 11:26:18 PM »

Thanks for the tips will have read through that link later, does these frame Ones have a website? Yes the car will be kept in a comfortably large brick garage, I was luck with the garage when we got the house, it does also have a mains supply.  Wink
Permanent resident
Posts: 6241

« Reply #3 on: 01 August, 2011, 07:19:28 AM »

Thanks for the tips will have read through that link later, does these frame Ones have a website? Yes the car will be kept in a comfortably large brick garage, I was luck with the garage when we got the house, it does also have a mains supply.  Wink

Here's where I bought mine from,
although as I said Ade & Ed also sell the same covers and that keeps it in house, but the choice is yours .


Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
Dedra Technical Adviser
Posts: 20

« Reply #4 on: 01 August, 2011, 07:24:24 AM »

I run a car storage company and keep my Augusta in an airchamber!
Let me know if I can help

Simon Lake
Lancia Augusta Berlina 1935 CLM 337
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Posts: 109

« Reply #5 on: 11 August, 2011, 12:05:35 AM »

When I looked into this for my Evo 1 I narrowed the choice down to the Cair o port too - the frame etc was what sold it for me.

Unfortunately the other uses of my single garage actually precluded me from going ahead (roof box hung from rafters, bikes hung on walls, freezer in garage too) so access required meant I didn't think the system would work for me.

Fortunately the garage door / frame on my garage is so badly fitting that there is ample ventilation anyway! and the regular access also required means a change of air every now and again.   In extremis just running a fan on a timer will circulate the air within the garage (since you have mains anyway)

« Reply #6 on: 11 August, 2011, 12:26:24 AM »

In the past I have used simlar methods Dunc with a couple of dehumidifiers, worked pretty well, but I do know what you mean about space, stepping around the chamber, it is a large garage though, so I think trial and error will have to suffice.  Cheesy
Then either keep it or eBay it. Grin Wink
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