Thankyou did your year convincing the DVLA progress Brian?what I did previously with my Vincent 500 was to take the original logbook(which a previous owner gave to me) and bike, to the local office.after much huffing and puffing the original reg was regards richard
Wasn't as easy as that, I had to somehow find evidence to show the leicestershire office HAD issued FAY on a D Suffix, which the DVLA said wasn't possible despite me having the tax discs and photos showing the number plates on her, this turned out to be a load of BS, as I found out that it was quite common to use up any registration letters and numbers an office had left over at the end of the year, by adding the New Registration suffix.
This was difficult to prove as all the Leicestershire paper records had been destroyed after they were added onto the DVLA computer, and it appears this was quite a common practice.
Eventually I found and wrote to an organisation called the "Kithead Trust" who had managed to save all the records from Leicestershire appertaining to Buses, obviously Fays registration number didn't appear in their records, but gave me proof that FAY had indeed been issued on a "D" suffix, as could be shown in their records, they also wrote a letter for me pointing out that they were very surprised that the DVLA was unaware of this situation as it was common knowledge.
I then rang Mr Jobsworth at the DVLA and told him of my finding whereupon he said "Oh that's all right then, I was curious and didn't realise that was the case"

lucky for this gentleman he was at the other end of the phone line rather than being in reach of my hands!
I sent this latest evidence in and shortly received the non transferable number.
All in All it took me about a year.