Yes Brian, that's the one, I actually had one for a coupe
but it went with the Fulvia & parts I sold recently.
I think we may have one in the recently aquired Gamma parts as well,
don't think the Gamma ever used one (I could be wrong)
I originally bought one about 1997 for my Series 1 1.3 Rallye Coupe from Omicron, which was in a right Yukkie Green and similar to bthe one on Ebay, that also started to perish, but I'm blowed if I can think whatever happened to it, probably still up in the loft somewhere with my spares!
Bit annoyed I went to remove it the other day to check something and the fixing plug at the bottom left partly tore away, as it's quite a tight fit btween the bars of the grille, tried a bit of superglue but it didn't work, I shall have to have a rethink unless anyone has any good ideas.