« Reply #390 on: 08 February, 2017, 05:42:44 PM » |
More progress Andy, am sure its all coming back to you, steady as you go!
Frank Gallagher
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390
« Reply #391 on: 09 February, 2017, 01:09:35 PM » |
A rather superior compressor. How does it feel to make that start? Tide turned?
What's the sticker on the end of the head?
David Laver, Lewisham.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #392 on: 09 February, 2017, 01:46:23 PM » |
The spring compressor is one I bought about 44 years ago and that is the first time it has been used!!! Very simple, very effective.
I must look at that sticker, it is from the place that restored the heads.
"How does it feel"? Amazing is totally inadequate!!! I must now make sure that I don't stop!! I know progress will be slow, but I must try to keep things rolling. I have to collect the Appia crank from the machine shop soon and I will take the B20 crank then to have that sorted. In the meantime I should be able to get to the second head once I have the necessary washers. I have new studs for the block .... that is another thing that is recommended should be done as a matter of course, although Clive Beattie disagrees and suggests that they should be left well alone if possible!! I had some that were ok, but the majority were beyond recall!!
I will try to keep this thread up to speed, but there may be lapses!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #393 on: 18 February, 2017, 11:17:02 PM » |
Well, I collected the Appia crank and dropped off the B20 crank ... it would appear the B20 crank will be about 12 times as expensive as that for the Appia!!!! I was sorely tempted to leave it, to take a chance ... but in the unlikely event that things went wrong that could get very expensive.
The machine shop has asked for the dimensions for standard and undersize bearings for both the main bearings and the bigend bearings. I have the data sheet (included in Paul Mayo's Aurelia manual), but the very figures I need are illegible!!! Sods Law!!! So, please, if anyone has a good, legible copy of the relevant data sheet for the B20 crank, please would they post it on here in order that I may pass the data on.
As the Appia and Aurelia crankshafts are so different, I thought it would be interesting to post a photograph of them.
To be continued!!
« Reply #394 on: 19 February, 2017, 10:30:46 AM » |
Like a baby crankshaft!
Does Geoff have the details on his website?
Frank Gallagher

Posts: 562
« Reply #395 on: 19 February, 2017, 12:03:18 PM » |
From AST 273I. dated 8/5/59
Crankpin diameter for assembling with 1st undersize bearings: 49,748 - 49,764 mm Crankpin diameter for assembling with 2nd undersize bearings: 49,494 - 49,510 mm
Crankshaft journals diameter for assembling with 1st undersize bearings: 59,713 - 59,726 mm Crankshaft journals diameter for assembling with 2nd undersize bearings: 59,459 - 59,472 mm
« Last Edit: 20 February, 2017, 11:03:27 AM by Sebastien »

Posts: 574
« Reply #396 on: 19 February, 2017, 12:05:51 PM » |
Website sadly in need of a full redo, thanks to Apple dropping support for iWeb. On the to-do list.
Here is AST 273, which should do the trick for s.4 on.
(Sorry, Sebastien - we both posted at the same time! Glad the info is consistent)
Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #397 on: 19 February, 2017, 11:26:59 PM » |
Sebastien and Geoff, thank you both so much. That is excellent, I will send this on to the machine shop and then they can get to work on the crank.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #398 on: 22 March, 2017, 01:32:09 PM » |
More progress, this time the right hand head!!!
I have yet to hear from the machine shop re the crankshaft, I am hoping it won't be long!!!
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494
« Reply #399 on: 23 March, 2017, 01:52:10 PM » |
Life is like that ......
Yesterday I hoped to hear from the machine shop ...... this morning, around 0840, I received their call!!! I thought that all was ready, but no, there was a request for more information, specifically regarding the thrust washers that are adjacent to the rear intermediate main bearing. I will send all the main bearings including the caps, (TAV4 nos 2 to 9 incl. plus the two thrust washers no. 17) plus a copy of TAV4 and the accompanying parts description sheets!!! All the parts for the B12 are the same for the B20 with the exception of the rear main bearing cap and the studs for the oil pump.
I need help with the last piece of information requested .....
How thick are the thrust washers when new please?
I hope someone can help with that ..... I must now add those to the shopping list!!!

Posts: 562
« Reply #400 on: 23 March, 2017, 02:18:46 PM » |
No information for thrust washer thickness in the AST.
However, the info you need: From AST 273 (valid from car B20-2952) - shown above
"Axial clearance of intermediate crankshaft thrust bearing 0.080-0.150 mm Wear limit 0.200 mm"
From AST 276 (valid from car B20-2952) : Fitting the Vanderwell bearings
"The thrust washers are also divided in two halves, one provided with a check tab and the other one without it; they are also specially lined and cannot be rebored."
Your machinist should have the block, to make the clearance measurements. Best in my opinion to start with a new thrust bearing (source Cavalitto or Omicron).
Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: 24 March, 2017, 10:45:28 AM by Sebastien »