And maybe someone now sells an alternator that has the outer appearance of a dynamo. Like Lucas.
Yes they do but it costs about £400.
why all the concern about fitting an alternator in place of the dynamo?
It's true that if you try to run with everything on, then you might have a problem, but those of us who grew up with cars with dynamos ,and never knew the luxury of having ample power all the time, until later in our motoring life, very soon got in the habit when wanting to turn something else on, checking to see what wasn't really essential, and could be turned off, even to the point of turning off the heater fan, (Heaters B useless anyway so I always wear gloves etc) or running on sidelights, and using a arm (cold) to give hand signals, so most of the time we never got to the point of running the battery flat.
I ran my 1.3 Rallye Coupe for a couple of years with a dynamo, and "Fay" has run for over 10 years with no problems with a dynamo?, admitted I don't have any extra electrical equipment other than fog lights, but I've never had a problem, even after standing for up to a month in the artic conditions this winter, She lives inside an airchamber, in a unheated concrete lock up garage, so it's still gets very cold in there.
Granted, once or twice she has been a bit difficult to start, but with the electric pump to prime the carbs, there's none of the old churning over to pump the fuel up.
A run of about 30 miles then usually follows, to warm everything up, and get it all working as it should, which also tops up the battery very nicely.
Just hope I haven't blown it by mentioning how good it is
