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Author Topic: Zagato Register  (Read 8631 times)
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Sliding Pillar
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Posts: 1727

« on: 18 September, 2009, 06:30:44 AM »

I have been asked by a friend in Belgium if the Zagato Register started by Peter Pompilli is still active or not, if it is who is the current contact?

1955 Aurelia
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« Reply #1 on: 18 September, 2009, 07:24:31 AM »

It's being maintained and updated very capably by Roddy Young, who is a constributor to this forum. Roddy was awarded the Peter Pompilii Zagato Trophy at the recent AGM in recognition for his work on the register.

Sliding Pillar
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« Reply #2 on: 18 September, 2009, 04:09:07 PM »

Thanks Colin. I will pass the information on.

1955 Aurelia
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« Reply #3 on: 18 September, 2009, 07:39:40 PM »

Hello.   Yes, the information Colin gives is correct.   After Peter's death, I continued work on a list of known Fulvia Sports that Peter started, and still carry on updating the records.   However the list only relates to Fulvias.   The last editions of the Zagato Register that Peter issued were in a web based Adobe PDF format which could be downloaded.   Unfortunately a change computer some years ago inadvertently wiped the downloads apart from Part 1 (members 1 - 30).  Kim (Peter's widow) finally had to close down the site because of recurring annual charges.   The lists which I have produced are 'stand alone', but are in an Applemac application which on conversion as an internet attachment, loose much of their format and colour, so I prefer to issue hard copies only.   If your Belgium contact is Jean Helsen (?), ask him to get in touch with me.   Contact details were in Viva Lancia Issue 490 May 2009, page 6 (Snippets)

Regards - Roddy

Roddy Young
Dunfermline, Fife

1970 Fulvia Sport S1 1.3S
Sliding Pillar
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Posts: 1727

« Reply #4 on: 19 September, 2009, 06:06:27 PM »

Thanks Roddy, yes it was Jean Helsen that was asking, I have sent him your email address as it is on the members list of the Forum, is this the correct one? If so I will send his details to you.  Ade.

1955 Aurelia
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« Reply #5 on: 19 September, 2009, 11:05:50 PM »

Hello Ade

I have now heard from Jean, so thank you for putting him in touch with me.   I will liaise and see what can be achieved.   Unfortunately I have limited my interest and research just to Fulvia Sports.   Perhaps there are others out there who have interests in the other Lancia 'Sport' models?

Regards - Roddy

Roddy Young
Dunfermline, Fife

1970 Fulvia Sport S1 1.3S
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Posts: 1487

« Reply #6 on: 14 October, 2009, 08:18:00 AM »

I had not heard from the Register since we lost Peter.   I have a 1600 Sport, currently under restoration.  Do you know of me?  I was on Peter's original list but would have been at the end...

David Wheeler.  Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
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« Reply #7 on: 14 October, 2009, 11:09:43 AM »

Are you aware that my wife Jacky owns and regularly drives her aluminium Sr1 Fulvia Sport OPD23E?

This is the second time we have owned this car - the first time we bought it was around 1984 when it was in a poor shape with a broken engine, no brakes and flaky paint and we bought from a lancia dealers graveyard  for the FPS mag wheels, all 5 of which were perfect. As they we found the wheels didnt fit her Srs2 Fulvia Sedan, we packed the car away and it was only a couple of years later that I realised it was an early aluminium one.
I fitted a 1.3S engine + dellortos in 1986 and made contact with the 1 previous owner who was thrilled his car was back on the road. He gave us all the original paperwrok from the factory as at the time he bought it he was working at the Dino de Laurentis film studios in Rome and commuting between there and Shepperton Studios. The car is lhd but with 'english' instruments as he specified and it had had one small bump in Rome on the rhs from wing during his ownership. We still have all this original paperwork
At the end of the 1990's we sold the car as we had too many cars and ever since then, whenever Jacky saw an early Fulvia Sport she quizzed me as to why 'I' sold it!! Several difficult conversations later we saw it for sale 3 years ago and promptly repurchased it. It drives very well and always attracts quite a lot of attention in Italy where Fulvias are well reagrded.

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
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Posts: 188

« Reply #8 on: 14 October, 2009, 11:21:28 AM »

Hello David

Yes, you were no. 76 out of 78 members;  and your car 'GHH   1536'.  I saw it at the AGM Ettington Chase in 2000.   In the intervening years since Peter's death I have worked away compiling and increasing a record of Fulvia Sports.   Although you live quite near to Scotland, our paths never seem to meet-up!   If you are changing the colour of your car, or whatever, let me know as this is the sort of thing I note for the record - just a potted history.

Regards - Roddy

Roddy Young
Dunfermline, Fife

1970 Fulvia Sport S1 1.3S
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Posts: 188

« Reply #9 on: 14 October, 2009, 11:38:10 AM »

Hello Chris

Thank you so much for the information.   I had lost track of your car after RTCC bought it back from N.Lingard and then put it on the market at the end of 2007(?).   Pleased to read it is 'back in the family'.   Is it still Mendoza blue?   There are so few all alloy cars about now in the UK - especially since Vere Lancia purchased Neale Shepherd's collection to turn some into Competizione replicas.

Regards - Roddy

Roddy Young
Dunfermline, Fife

1970 Fulvia Sport S1 1.3S
Permanent resident
Posts: 1663

« Reply #10 on: 14 October, 2009, 01:40:32 PM »


I was interested to see how close your Sport is to my 1967 similar all-alloy car. Using Roddy’s register I looked back to find the serial number of OPD 23E being given as 1155, whereas mine is 1474. I am surprised to find a difference of 319 when they can’t have been producing many of these cars at that time.

I envy you knowing something about the first owner of your car – the idea of it commuting between Rome and Shepperton is fascinating. When I think of the looks my car gets now, a Fulvia Sport at that time must have looked really exotic.

All I know about my car (PGV 79E) is that its first owner was a Brit in the military in Germany and he must have ordered it to be right hand drive and with ‘English’ instruments – also with two wing mirrors, presumably to help visibility when driving on the right. It wasn’t imported into the UK until 1981 when it was given a ‘W’ registration and was later re-registered with a period number plate. When I bought the car in 1996 I tried to retrace the original owner, but he had gone without trace.

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« Reply #11 on: 14 October, 2009, 03:04:35 PM »


I have researched my file on MLN22L.

Original Owner SL Samson of Hadley Wood bought car from Portman Garages 2/11/72 although registration was 17 11 72!
Portman serviced it till Nov 76 when it had done 39,000 miles.

At some point before 1977 a Mr Fabian of SW11 purchased the car. I have service bill in 1982 that shows 69945 miles

Ownership seems to have changed pre 1985 to a Mr Imlach.

1992 Chris Gladstone bought it - at 94,000 miles did c 90,000 miles (all documented) in it and sold it to John Parnham in 2004 and I aquired it in 2006. It has now done a 193,000 miles!

According to my V5 there were 7 former keepers so I am missing 2. Unlikely but can anyone shed any light.

Facinating array of Lancia supplier bills in the 70s-80s that I had not heard of:

Lanciana, Ivor Hill, Day and Schindler, Robert Patrick and Partner


Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
1955 Aurelia B12
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« Reply #12 on: 14 October, 2009, 05:49:40 PM »

Hi Roddy,
Yes it is mendoza blue with the original red seats and door trim c/w grey carpet in the back. I am collecting a new front floormat from Cicognani at Padova Auto Jumble at the end of this month.
When we sold the car I also supplied the original bumpers but I dont have them now. The car has the FPS wheels with Michelin XAS tyres and in all other respects is pretty original.
I really need to fit new dashboard trim as the foam is disintegrating and also someone has bxxxxxed around with the wooden dashboard trim. maybe I will find these at Padova.
The car was Dinitrolled when new and whilst there always seems to be a little corrosion under the paint somewhere, it looks fine.
Also, presumably because it was only a 1200cc the body seams in the engine bay are all good.

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
Senior Member
Posts: 188

« Reply #13 on: 14 October, 2009, 08:06:55 PM »

Hello Tim / Chris

Thank you for the information - it will be recorded in the records.   Tim - the current stunning appearance of your car certainly belies its mileage.
Chris - good luck getting the bits for the interior - S1 parts are getting thin on the ground.   As the dash in the S1 is veneered ply, it is not inconceivable to make a new one?   
Have you had a look at the photos of Neale Shepherd's "Competizione" at the Auto Italia Day at Gaydon, complete with supercharger installation and short-stroke 1500cc engine - just think what that torque could do to the spot-welds?   Actually the bulkhead/floorpan has been strengthened properly.

Any other current information on Fulvia Sports from anyone always appreciated.   I am hoping that some future collaboration with certain clubs in Europe, and possibly an American contact, will considerably expand the database of information?

Kind regards - Roddy

Roddy Young
Dunfermline, Fife

1970 Fulvia Sport S1 1.3S
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