Had a good 200 mile trip from Cornwall to Box and then on to Malmesbury for a festival, trip home was OK, until Lewdown on the A30, foot down up the hill felt a slight misfire, bigger misfire and a load of steam from under the hood! Bugger!......back of the hose blew off, (the jubilee clip was rusted through underneath, where you can't see it!) AA were duly called, towed to the local garage and then a tow back home, after a diagnosed HGF. Car runs OK, but bubbles and slight foaming up through the rad. I'm pretty sure that the head gasket was going before the hose blew, reckon that the increase in pressure put a bit of strain on the old clip.
So, manual in hand and a mate to help out, looks like I'll be having a go myself. Any tips on the procedure and suppliers, as well as any worthwhile jobs or mods that I can do at the same time will be gratefully received.