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Author Topic: Living with a Trevi  (Read 61087 times)
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St Volumex
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Posts: 613

Owner of RetroPart

« Reply #30 on: 27 November, 2009, 06:32:54 AM »


If you're really stuck on glue  Grin, try JB Weld which I've used very successfully on Fulvia aluminium bits.

The problem is the Beta door mirror bracket acts as a cantilever, and the weight (moment) on it is actually quite considerable.  Shocked

Guy McDougall
Rare Parts for Rare Machines
Appia Coupé S3 (Rosina), Appia Berlina S3 (La Giaconda), Fulvia 1.3S 5 spd coupé (Tigger, belongs to Carol), Beta Spyder S2 (Vivaldi), Montecarlo Spyder S2, HPE VX (Pugsly) etc
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Posts: 6241

« Reply #31 on: 27 November, 2009, 08:26:37 AM »


If you're really stuck on glue  Grin, try JB Weld which I've used very successfully on Fulvia aluminium bits.

The problem is the Beta door mirror bracket acts as a cantilever, and the weight (moment) on it is actually quite considerable.  Shocked
I note on Amazon that there is a JB Weld That is pliable for 30 minutes & Takes 24 hours to Cure, and a JB Kwik Weld that is pliable for 4 minute & takes 4 hours to cure.
Which one did you use?

8227 Cool

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
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St Volumex
Rebel Poster
Posts: 613

Owner of RetroPart

« Reply #32 on: 27 November, 2009, 10:55:40 AM »


The 24 hour cure is the one.  Smiley

Guy McDougall
Rare Parts for Rare Machines
Appia Coupé S3 (Rosina), Appia Berlina S3 (La Giaconda), Fulvia 1.3S 5 spd coupé (Tigger, belongs to Carol), Beta Spyder S2 (Vivaldi), Montecarlo Spyder S2, HPE VX (Pugsly) etc
Posts: 409

Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #33 on: 05 July, 2010, 11:17:19 AM »

I haven't reported on this for a long time and that's because nothing much happened with the Trevi other than trouble free motoring. The past year or so hasn't been good to me so I couldn't spend the time I would have liked on the Trevi. But last Saturday (03/07/2010) I took the Trevi for an MOT test, it's second during my ownership, and it passed with flying colours  Cheesy And it seems I covered just over 8,000 miles during the year Shocked I didn't think I had used the Trevi that much in the last year but obviously the Trevi is so good both time and miles fly by while driving a Trevi!  Grin

Theo Kyriacou
Permanent resident
Posts: 6241

« Reply #34 on: 05 July, 2010, 01:05:20 PM »

I haven't reported on this for a long time and that's because nothing much happened with the Trevi other than trouble free motoring. The past year or so hasn't been good to me so I couldn't spend the time I would have liked on the Trevi. But last Saturday (03/07/2010) I took the Trevi for an MOT test, it's second during my ownership, and it passed with flying colours  Cheesy And it seems I covered just over 8,000 miles during the year Shocked I didn't think I had used the Trevi that much in the last year but obviously the Trevi is so good both time and miles fly by while driving a Trevi!  Grin

Hi Theo,
pleased you got her through the MOT again, 8000 miles is pretty good going in anyones book for a classic!

8227 Cool

Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay"
2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer
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Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #35 on: 31 October, 2011, 03:57:38 PM »

I hadn't used the Trevi for a while so when I was visiting East Sussex last Saturday I thought it was a good excuse to give the Trevi a well deserved run. About 150 mile round trip and I enjoyed every inch of it  Grin I was simply reminded what a great car the Trevi is  Wink

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Theo Kyriacou
Posts: 409

Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #36 on: 28 December, 2011, 09:24:33 AM »

I've always had problems with the windscreen washers on the Trevi.  Embarrassed  They didn't work at all when I first got the car so I replaced the washer pump. Halfords have a pump (meant for a Ford Escort I think) which is almost identical to the Trevi's except for the electrical connector which comes out of the top of the pump instead of the side. But it fits fine as long as the pump is fitted horizontally.

Even though the new pump is very powerful, I could not adjust the washer jets to clear the grill on the bonnet and wash the front windscreen; the water jet would either hit the plastic grill or washed the rear screen!  Undecided  So I used a dremel to take off part of the plastic grill so the washer jets could be adjusted to wash the front screen.

But the washer nozzles kept moving and there was dirt inside them that kept blocking the holes. I could get the windscreen washers to work just long enough for the MOT test but whenever I needed to use them they refused to play ball. So replacement was the obvious solution but the Trevi washers (mounted on metal platforms) are very tall.

Short, standard  washers would never clear the plastic grill.

(Trevi washer on the left and new standard and much shorter washer on the right)

But with a plastic nut meant for number plates (which has the correct thread for the new washer) plus a plastic washer the new washer nozzle was extended to be as tall as the Trevi original.

And it stands proud on the Trevi's washer platform  Grin

Held tightly in place by the new and slightly thicker pipe.

It works great and I think it looks the part too  Grin

(This is what happens when we have too much free time during the holidays! Some of us spend hours playing with windscreen washer nozzles....  Grin )

Theo Kyriacou
Senior Member
Posts: 123

« Reply #37 on: 06 January, 2012, 11:42:26 PM »

Well done Theo,
Surprised though as never had a problem with the jets. Have seen the rotating effect on Montecarlo though (same jets).
I'm very jealous of you still having a Trevi.

Kind regards, Leo

Edinburgh Regional Co-Ordinator
Posts: 409

Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #38 on: 08 January, 2012, 12:05:21 AM »

I'm very jealous of you still having a Trevi.

Hello Leo. I hope to 'still' have a Trevi for many years to come  Kiss Wink Cheesy
I just need to find someone for some sympathetic (and not too expensive) restoration....

Theo Kyriacou
Posts: 409

Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #39 on: 20 May, 2012, 10:40:33 PM »

I should really title this Trying to get ready for the Beta 40th birthday celebrations weekend with the emphasis on 'trying'. I spent the day on the Trevi and feel I achieved little to nothing  Embarrassed I wanted to change the brake master cylinder but thought I'd loosen the bleed nipples first to be sure but after 3 days of applying lots of WD40 and using all the power I dared to release the nipples without snapping them off I gave up. So I still have 'Russian Roulette' brakes and don't know when they'll work or not  Shocked Only kidding  Grin they are not that bad but pedal travel varies a lot when applying the brakes. Seems worse when going slowly in reverse  Undecided Huh? Makes no sense at all to me but I can only think that the problem is with the master cylinder. Maybe the bleed nipples will loosen before the weekend and I'll manage to change it...

But I did manage to eliminate some more squeaks and rattles especially the very annoying rattles from inside the rear passenger door and the even more annoying loud squeak when turning the steering wheel. Then I thought I'd do something simple and easy and washed the car  Cheesy The wheels cleaned up well  Cheesy shame about the rest of the car  Embarrassed

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« Last Edit: 21 May, 2012, 11:41:05 AM by Thotos » Logged

Theo Kyriacou
Permanent resident
Posts: 1275

« Reply #40 on: 21 May, 2012, 06:33:44 AM »

The bleed nipples on the Beta brakes are a real pain, with the double problem of being too small and of poor material. Then there's two of them on each front caliper. You can get the bleed able banjo joints from Betaboyz which might be the way forward?

1979 1300 Beta Coupe, 2014 Ypsilon 1.2 S Series Momo
Posts: 409

Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #41 on: 21 May, 2012, 10:14:08 AM »

get the bleed able banjo joints from Betaboyz which might be the way forward?

Didn't/don't know about those but sound like a good idea! I'll have a look at the website....

Theo Kyriacou
Press Officer
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Posts: 5077

« Reply #42 on: 21 May, 2012, 10:59:20 AM »

Its a race to get Rosie my Gamma bolted back in time for Saturday (doing the Beta tour) - might be in the Fulvia sport though..


Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
1955 Aurelia B12
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Theo Kyriacou

« Reply #43 on: 03 June, 2013, 08:48:10 PM »

Not so much "living" with the Trevi right now but restoring instead. So it'll have to be the Gamma or Fiat for Beta Meeta 13  Undecided

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Theo Kyriacou
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390

« Reply #44 on: 03 June, 2013, 09:13:28 PM »

You've done the miles to KNOW its worth doing properly.  Good luck with it, and keep posting the photos please.


David Laver, Lewisham.
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