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Author Topic: B20 photos  (Read 5859 times)
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Kevin MacBride
Posts: 451

« on: 13 July, 2009, 01:54:29 AM »

A few photos from my car. One is what happens when you assume a pool of oil under your car is not your own...the other, well, maybe not to everyones taste.

* potjoint1.JPG (51.62 KB, 640x480 - viewed 523 times.)

* aurelia brake disc.JPG (115.77 KB, 640x480 - viewed 541 times.)

B20 4th series (having a 'facelift')

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Posts: 980

« Reply #1 on: 13 July, 2009, 06:39:24 AM »

Is that a transmission pot joint ? Commiserations, I hope you are able to find a replacement.

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« Reply #2 on: 13 July, 2009, 06:45:03 PM »

I thought you were going to put the proper brakes back on the front.  Do you have a spare pot joint?

1955 Aurelia
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« Reply #3 on: 13 July, 2009, 08:47:49 PM »


Remembering that your B20 was owned and raced by the late Barrie Crowe who was very pleased to have fitted it with Flavia disc brakes, I am reminded that after Barrieā€™s unexpected and untimely death in the 1990s a friend of his said: I expect right now he is explaining to St Peter why he should convert all his chariots to disc brakes!

Kevin MacBride
Posts: 451

« Reply #4 on: 13 July, 2009, 09:11:45 PM »

They were old photos I'd taken a few years ago. I broke the pot joint at a hillclimb called ' The Sweep' in Co. Waterford (Ireland). Its a favourite of most of the historic owners as its been running since the 30's virtually unchanged. I was trying to beat a nippy Hillman Minx and ignored the pool of green fluid under my car, the boot had slipped out of the joint (pressure maybe) and the photo was the result. I got a replacement joint from Cavalitto and bought a spare (just in case). The joint exploded just before the finish line, and I did beat the Minx !! The following year I broke the short shaft inside the clutch housing. I've stopped doing hills because of this, its a bit severe on the car. I've since raced on track, which so far has been kinder to both the car and my pocket.
So they are Flavia discs !! I've been wondering for years what they were from.
I aquired a complete front axle complete with drums, and I'm at present rebuilding the brakes. Only problem is, is that my wheels (15") will not fit over the drums without removing some of the cooling fins. I'm not really happy with doing this, so I'm experimenting with some wheel options. 15" wheels will fit over 4th series drums ok, but the axle I bought is 5/6th series with bigger drums.
I actually like the discs, and with good quality brake pads really stop the car quite well, but if I want to use the car in any FIA events I have to have drums.

B20 4th series (having a 'facelift')

2000 sedan
Fiat Multipla
Fiat Cinquecento
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Posts: 1045

« Reply #5 on: 17 July, 2009, 10:33:45 AM »

I thought Barrie told me the discs setup on his B20 were from a Porsche.
 Regards, John
Kevin MacBride
Posts: 451

« Reply #6 on: 18 July, 2009, 01:17:45 PM »

This is where the confusion lies, I've been told by various people over the years that they were from various cars from Citroen to Lotus. The calipers are a standard Girling unit fitted to lots of different cars, pads are no problem to get. The discs are the oddity. They do look very Fulvia/Flaviaish, I have some Fulvia spares so I'm going to take off the hubs one day and compare.

B20 4th series (having a 'facelift')

2000 sedan
Fiat Multipla
Fiat Cinquecento
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Posts: 6241

« Reply #7 on: 18 July, 2009, 03:27:53 PM »

Look a bit on the big side for Fulvia?

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