Aurelia Adam
« on: 20 February, 2009, 05:25:09 PM » |
Found this pic currently for sale on ebay.
I know which car I prefer!
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« Reply #1 on: 20 February, 2009, 07:41:42 PM » |
The Aprilia used to belong to the late Roger Perry, I think it went back to Italy, but I have not heard anything of it since the late eighties. There is also a side shot of the Aprilia for sale on ebay. Sorry for rarity it would have to be the Aprilia!!
1955 Aurelia 1961 Lamborghini
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« Reply #2 on: 20 February, 2009, 09:41:52 PM » |
It used to belong to Maltby before Roger had it , i can remember my dad borrowing it off John, and we , 4 of us went to Ramsgate at christmas time, i was only a mere sprog then, and can remember it being noisy, Nowadays i would like the noise, I have seen a side view photo of this in the past either by a lake or under a tree, either way a Maltby picture.
FULVIA 1600HF LUSSO 1958 VELOCETTE MAC Triumph Bonneville t120v 1972 1968 MGC ROADSTER 1958 Series 2 Appia berlina
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« Reply #3 on: 20 February, 2009, 10:12:51 PM » |
It was my favourite Aprilia when John Maltby owned it. I drove it a lot and greatly enjoyed it. During a time when there wasn't much photography to be done, I helped Bob West re-bush all of the linkage joints on the steering column gearchange and it was an unbelievably fast and easy change by the time it was finished. The car had slightly higher gearing than a normal Aprilia - and a live rear axle - but the handling was superb and it was very fast. Regards, John
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« Reply #4 on: 21 February, 2009, 11:29:55 AM » |
Hello John, next you will be telling us that Maltby drove it fast . 
FULVIA 1600HF LUSSO 1958 VELOCETTE MAC Triumph Bonneville t120v 1972 1968 MGC ROADSTER 1958 Series 2 Appia berlina
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Posts: 1663
« Reply #5 on: 21 February, 2009, 10:40:48 PM » |
A very interesting photo and thanks for finding it and posting it. For sure it is the Aprilia Stabilimenti Farina bodied special, NGP 50, which was late Geoffrey Robson, John Maltby and Roger Perry alongside a B20 that I don’t recognise. This car has been written about before on this forum and it did go back to Italy in the early 1990’s to a secretive new owner.
The photo is on eBay alongside another photo of the same Aprilia – see below. This photo is 99% certain to be a John Maltby photo and it is most likely that the other one is too.
Having recently spent time going through the LMC photo library to try and catalogue and scan all the historic photos from the John Maltby era it is frustrating to find these two photos on sale on eBay when they should have been in the LMC collection – sadly they aren’t. Could it be that the LMC should bid for them?
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« Reply #6 on: 22 February, 2009, 01:04:58 AM » |
Hi Colin, IMHO if the photo has a direct link with the Club I would say yes, the two photographs are on sale by different people, the 1st one by David Thomas Books, who we know well, see , current bidding is at £11.50 with 2 bids and just over a day to run. My apologies Don't know how I manage to attribute this one to David Thomas, must have been the time of the morning, it is of course also for sale by Andrew Currie. 2nd is for sale by Andrew Currie Automotive literature at Bagshot, currently at £5.50 see, 3 bids and 4 days to go. If not directly linked where do you draw the line  as there are lots of nice Lancia photos out there for sale from time to time. Brian 8227
« Last Edit: 22 February, 2009, 11:31:19 PM by fay66 »
Own 1966 Fulvia 2C Berlina since 1997, back on road 11-1999.Known as "Fay" 2006 Renault Megane 1 5 Dci Sports Tourer Dedra Technical Adviser
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« Reply #7 on: 22 February, 2009, 03:13:31 PM » |
There should be dozens of prints around of NGP 50 in the Lake District, as Maltby used it as his Christmas card one year. I wonder where the negative ended up. Could it be with the rest of the Maltby collection, which I think is being lloked after by the RIBA? Regards, John
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« Reply #8 on: 22 February, 2009, 06:07:25 PM » |
At one time there may well have been many copies of John Maltby’s photos of this car. Sadly, the LMC library currently has only one print – this is reproduced below in reduced jpg form. If there are any LMC member readers of this forum who are thinking of bidding for these two photos, please get in touch with me off-forum: I am interested in bidding for these photos with a view to getting them into the LMC library, where they belong. It would be unfortunate if we were bidding against each other! Colin
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« Reply #9 on: 23 February, 2009, 05:18:13 PM » |
Well done, Colin. I see you bought it! Regards, John
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« Reply #10 on: 26 February, 2009, 06:15:30 PM » |
Good news and bad news! I did win the bidding for the first photo, the one of the rear view of a B20 and the Farina Aprilia, but was beaten to it on the second one of the same Aprilia by the lake. This is odd because the first one had already attracted two bids and I got it for £16, whereas the second one, which stood at £5.00 with only one bid went for £22 and I had only sniped it up to £21. Bugger!
I have contacted the successful bidder in the hope that he might sell it on with the thought that this way it will find its way into the LMC Library.
Interestingly, both these photos were published in an LMC Journal in 1966, the one by the lake being on the front cover and the other inside. Clearly both of them are John Maltby pictures.
From the same vendor I also managed to buy a Lancia England press photo of a Fulvia Zagato S2, which probably dates from 1971. I’ll scan this and put it on the Fulvia page as soon as I receive it.
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Posts: 955
« Reply #11 on: 27 February, 2009, 08:35:38 PM » |
Unlucky Colin,  but on behalf of the Club thanks for trying 
FULVIA 1600HF LUSSO 1958 VELOCETTE MAC Triumph Bonneville t120v 1972 1968 MGC ROADSTER 1958 Series 2 Appia berlina
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Posts: 1663
« Reply #12 on: 01 March, 2009, 11:49:11 AM » |
I am disappointed not to have received any reply from the successful eBay bidder (martyn1570) who won the second of the two Maltby photos. I’ll have another go, but I guess it’s probably lost.
Here below is a jpg of the first one. On the Fulvia page I will post a jpg of the Fulvia Zagato photo that I purchased from the same vendor. I have made high resolution TIFF scans of both of these photos with the intention that they will be filed with associated photos in the LMC Photo Library.