Neil Lewis
« on: 17 November, 2008, 11:19:43 PM » |
I ask this for the simple reason that 33mm tappet shims for the 2 litre Fiat engine (as fitted to teh 8-valve integrale) are getting hard to find and I need six to complete my cylinder head rebuild.
I have nearly 30 shims which are of no use to me and I'm sure there are people out there who have the same situation.
So these are the sizes I have :-
335x2, 365, 370, 388, 395, 419, 420, 422, 425, 431, 435x4, 437, 440x2, 445x2, 450, 455x4, 470x4
and these are the sizes I want :-
385, 400, 405x2, 410 (5 in all)
Any takers? Sometime in the next two weeks would be great...
PS I guess a similar situation exists for the 31mm 16-valve shims although those seem to be easier to get since they fir VWs too!
Neil Lewis
« Reply #1 on: 30 November, 2008, 11:14:08 PM » |
Well clearly no-one else thinks this is a good idea. I guess you'll only realise the need when you have to shim your valve clearances.
Anyway you know what shims I've got if you ever need some.
Kevin MacBride

Posts: 451
« Reply #2 on: 01 December, 2008, 10:29:03 AM » |
As I mentioned in an earlier post, these shims are stilll available ex stock from Fiat. I have maybe 1000 or so in stock of all sizes and have no problem getting what sizes I need. Maybe I should mention that I am a Fiat Dealership. I sell them often enough as they are used in Fiat single cam engines, 128, Uno and Punto models (128 type engine) which have a popular race series in Ireland.
B20 4th series (having a 'facelift')
2000 sedan Fiat Multipla Fiat Cinquecento
Neil Lewis
« Reply #3 on: 01 December, 2008, 11:39:04 PM » |
Yes, I'm sure I can get them from my "local" Fiat dealer (twenty odd miles away cos Fiat dealers aren't exactly thick on the ground around here) for a price. But I used to be able to get them from my local parts shops for a couple of pounds for a packet of four. Since that source has dried up and, if I've got 30-odd shims surplus to requirements, other people must have them too. So what I was suggesting is a swap shop...
« Reply #4 on: 27 September, 2009, 02:44:47 PM » |
I think a shim bank is a good idea, useful, but they are not difficult to get hold of. Your info is incorrect as all integrale engines and many of the Fiat range use the same 33mm diameter shims, I'm suspecting there may be more engines using them to, Alfas maybe?
FIAT MODELS 124 - 125 - 127 1050/1300GT 128 - 131 - 132 - CROMA BRAVA/O 1.9TDS - 1.9JTD 1995 > 2002
COUPE 2.0 16V - 2.0 16V TURBO 1994 > 1996 DOBLO 1.9 DIESEL - 1.9JTD 2001 > MAREA 1.9TDS - 1.9JTD - 2.4TDS - 2.4JTD 1996 > 2002 MULTIPLA 1.9JTD 1998 >
PUNTO MKI 1.6 - GT TURBO - 1.7 DIESEL - 1.7TDS 1993 > 1999 PUNTO MKII 1.9 DIESEL - 1.9JTD 1999 > 2003 PUNTO MKIII 1.9JTD 2003 > PUNTO GRANDE 1.9JTD 2006 >
STILO 1.9JTD 2002 > STRADA 1100 - 1300 - 1500 - 1600 105TC - 2000 130TC 1978 > 1988 TIPO 1400 - 1600 - 1800 - 2000 16V- 1.7 DIESEL - 1.9 DIESEL - 1.9TDS 1989 > 1995 TEMPRA 1400 - 1600 - 1800 - 2000 - 1.9 DIESEL - 1.9TDS 1990 > 1996
UNO 1116 - 1300 - 1400 - 1300 TURBO - 1400 TURBO - 1.7 DIESEL 1983 > 1995 X19 1300 - 1500 1973 > 1989
LANCIA MODELS BETA - TREVI 1600 - 2000 1972 > 1985 DEDRA 1600 - 1800 - 2000 - 2000 TURBO 1989 > 1994 DELTA 1300 - 1500 - 1600 - 1600 TURBO 1979 > 1992
DELTA 4WD 2.0 8V - 2.0 16V 1987 > 1991 DELTA EVOLUTION 2.0 8V - 2.0 16V 1991 > 1995
THEMA 2.0 8V - 2.0 8V TURBO 1984 > 1994 THEMA 2.0 16V - 2.0 16V TURBO 1988 > 1994
« Last Edit: 27 September, 2009, 02:47:11 PM by Martin »
Neil Lewis
« Reply #5 on: 27 September, 2009, 10:18:31 PM » |
It's a great list Martin although it shgou;ldn't include any 16 valvel model because those all use the 31mm shims. My point is that the aftermarket supplier can no longer supply. Afterall, whoever heard of a Fiat single cam engine having its tappets adjusted, lol! It's only us "specialist" who rebuild Fiat engines, the rest of the world just throws the cars away and buy a Volkswagen.
I know I can still buy these from a Fiat dealer (they're about a fiver each and have to be ordered in) but my nearest dealers are thirty miles away. Like me, many of us must have a stock of used but un-needed shims which could simply be swapped amongst club members for the price of postage. Not a bad idea but no-one on here seems the faintest bit interested.
« Reply #6 on: 30 September, 2009, 04:56:24 PM » |
I'm afraid you are incorrect Neil, the 16v Lampredi Twin cam uses a 33mm shim.
What 'Specialist' do you work for btw?
Neil Lewis
« Reply #7 on: 01 October, 2009, 11:22:56 PM » |
It seems you are right Martin so I must apologise. What I read was a parts supplier's catalogue, lol! They said that the 16-valve engines take the same shims as VW and Volvo engines (Renault too I think) and those were described as 31mm. I've just checked my factory workshop manual and I discovered that the tappets (buckets) are the same diameter in both heads so I must concur with you; they are both 33mm. How they get all that into the head beats me. Maybe the 31mm shims fit into some of the later Fiat engines.
When I said "specialist" I was referring to members of clubs like the LMC who do all their own maintenance. In that context a non-specialist is someone who couldn't care less that we try to keep these cars going and that's probably nearly everyone. We're a rare breed... And sometimes we make mistakes, sorry.
« Reply #8 on: 02 October, 2009, 10:36:53 AM » |
No problem Neil, at least it has opened up some new avenues for you on your shim search eh?  A 'Specialist' is more usually the term applied to an independant (of the original maker) trader who specialises in a certain marque or model, well it is to me anyhow! Luckily there are many people who do care about their Lancias to balance out those that don't. Martin.

Posts: 456
« Reply #9 on: 02 October, 2009, 08:03:38 PM » |
Hi Neil Just wanted to say rather belatedly that I support your "shim bank" idea.I think I qualify as the sort of specialist you had in mind but I delayed replying before pending a survey of my stock(!). I regret that I still havn't done so but watch this space. Ben