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Author Topic: S1 Dashboard Top removal  (Read 1252 times)
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Posts: 18

« on: 30 May, 2024, 06:40:34 AM »

Any tips on doing this and does it give access to rear of instruments as trying to sort non working temp guage.  There is a mention of a guide in the forum.  Many thanks
Posts: 36

« Reply #1 on: 30 May, 2024, 07:26:56 AM »

Any tips on doing this and does it give access to rear of instruments as trying to sort non working temp guage.  There is a mention of a guide in the forum.  Many thanks

There isn't any need to remove the dashboard top t ogain access to the instrument cluster.

Firstly, disconnect the battery.

To access the instrument cluster you first need to remove the two round fasteners that are on the dimmer and tachometer reset button. There is anotiher nut inside the glove box. Carefully remove the wooden fascia. The rev, counter, speedo and instrument cluster are screwed down with self tapers.

Removing the dashboard top is fairly straightforward, if not tricky. There are only two 8mm or 10mm bolts holding it down. Access is from the footwell and inside the glove box. You may have to remove the radio, if one is fitted. The two air vents need to be removed and they are held in by clips just inside the vents.
The top can be stubborn and care is needed because the foam is old, probably brittle and can be easily damaged. Especially around the vent holes which is thinner is section.
« Last Edit: 30 May, 2024, 07:34:17 AM by LCR1967 » Logged
Permanent resident
Posts: 1663

« Reply #2 on: 30 May, 2024, 07:59:50 AM »

LCR’s description is a good one, but if the Fulvia is a Sport there is an additional hurdle in removing the dashboard top. On a Sport the rear-view mirror is mounted on the dash top, but the three screws that hold it on go down to a bracket below the top and held in place by three small nuts. These are difficult to access through the instrument panel holes and from the underneath, but it is possible!
Posts: 18

« Reply #3 on: 31 May, 2024, 05:04:38 PM »

Thanks Both

Good job I read this before going further ( one nut removed other found but top seems secure at LHS.

My car has a tripmeter bolted thru the non original I think wooden dash! Think I can get that off then the dash.  (Not guilty but bought for competition).
Posts: 203

« Reply #4 on: 31 May, 2024, 07:47:50 PM »

I have just removed my dash and lower crash pad to access the upper side panel to investigate any rust from a leak in the bottom corner of windshield on the passenger side. (Light surface rust only).Removing all this was not difficult but very fiddly. Whilst off I could fix non working trip meter. For information on the Sport (LHD) the knurled nut securing the passenger side of the facia panel is accessed from underneath the dash, not the glove box.
Whilst the facia panel is out I would like to refurbish it as it has faded in places. I do not think it is varnished. What is the best procedure to getting it back to the original look? My plan was to lightly sand it, stain and then polish. Would this work and what shade of wood stain should I use?
If anyone has undertaken this task I would appreciate some tips and hints.
Posts: 36

« Reply #5 on: 03 June, 2024, 06:13:27 AM »

I have just removed my dash and lower crash pad to access the upper side panel to investigate any rust from a leak in the bottom corner of windshield on the passenger side. (Light surface rust only).Removing all this was not difficult but very fiddly. Whilst off I could fix non working trip meter. For information on the Sport (LHD) the knurled nut securing the passenger side of the facia panel is accessed from underneath the dash, not the glove box.
Whilst the facia panel is out I would like to refurbish it as it has faded in places. I do not think it is varnished. What is the best procedure to getting it back to the original look? My plan was to lightly sand it, stain and then polish. Would this work and what shade of wood stain should I use?
If anyone has undertaken this task I would appreciate some tips and hints.

Someone has done a write up on renovating the fascia. I used this as the basis for making a new fascia from 6mm plywood and a mahogany vaneer sheet.
Posts: 306

« Reply #6 on: 03 June, 2024, 05:38:34 PM »

If it's wood then a sand and recoat may be all that is needed. I've had good results with hard and soft wood. Sand back carefully with fine paper. If the colour of the wood is OK then I would use regular oil based varnish thinned with white spirit. This goes on like water and a very thin coat is all that is needed. When dry de-nib with very fine wet and dry paper then repeat a few times. This can either be left glossy or my preference is to make it matt with 1500 grade paper used evenly.
Rebel Poster
Posts: 865

« Reply #7 on: 03 June, 2024, 06:17:53 PM »

I resurfaced my S2 dashboard and posted a blow-by-blow description on the forum.   To access it, type "dashboard restoration" in the search field at the top of this page. It will come up as the fourth item listed.  Date of post was 09 December, 2016.
« Last Edit: 03 June, 2024, 06:19:50 PM by nthomas1 » Logged

Norm Thomas
Ormskirk, Lancashire

1973 Fulvia S2 Coupe
Previous Lancias: S2 Coupe and S3 Coupe in late 1970s
Posts: 36

« Reply #8 on: 04 June, 2024, 05:50:56 AM »

I resurfaced my S2 dashboard and posted a blow-by-blow description on the forum.   To access it, type "dashboard restoration" in the search field at the top of this page. It will come up as the fourth item listed.  Date of post was 09 December, 2016.

This the one that guided me when making a complete new fascia.
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