Permanent resident
Posts: 4390
« Reply #120 on: 12 July, 2024, 08:30:27 PM » |
I just read back and worked out the tent is to keep the dirt INSIDE not to protect the project car. I'd assumed it was "a clean space".
David Laver, Lewisham.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #121 on: 12 July, 2024, 09:53:05 PM » |
I just read back and worked out the tent is to keep the dirt INSIDE not to protect the project car. I'd assumed it was "a clean space".
Yes, indeed David  I share the unit with a friend and we mostly park our classics in there, I manage to cover mine but John doesn't manage to do his cars. Sanding down and the associated mess with grinding and welding would create a fog of dust and dirt that would mess up the cars, even covered cars. So the dirt will be contained! I may end up respraying the Flavia in there in the end, I have now added a dust extraction fan so it's not beyond me to do so.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #122 on: 03 August, 2024, 09:56:37 PM » |
Managed to finally make a start on the car tonight. There's a few places to sort out since Dan completed the floors etc, we'd agreed for me to finish off the "easier" bits. The drivers side rear inner arch has had repairs before but again now has daylight showing.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #123 on: 03 August, 2024, 09:58:01 PM » |
Areas behind the bootlid hinge and under the parcel shelf also need tackling
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #124 on: 03 August, 2024, 09:59:52 PM » |
Parts that will need remaking have been cut out now Dan had already let a bit in which is primered
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #125 on: 03 August, 2024, 10:02:24 PM » |
There's a bit more rot to sort in the chassis rail forward of the spring hanger mounts plus the floor piece that meets the inner quarter panel to cut out.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #126 on: 11 September, 2024, 07:58:47 PM » |
The rear panel that I cut off before the car went to Dan for the floor repairs now needs to be reinstated. If truth be told I'd been putting this job off for some time, not a small undertaking and I will admit to having doubts about the sense in carrying on with the car. But I booked a week off work with the sole intentions of seeing how far I can get and ensure the car carries on being repaired. I'd bought a decent used back panel a while back through the consortium and Colin which had some dents but way less than the rear ended original and it had a very good cross member which was missing on mine completely. It also had part of the rear quarter panels still attached but in the end I decided against cutting across the ones on the car despite their dents, it would have been a much larger area to set straight in the end. So with a plan formed it was a case of cutting out from the car to match the replacement section.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #127 on: 11 September, 2024, 08:03:14 PM » |
It's now welded in place using the replacement bootlid for alignment. Needs more work to straighten a few areas around the lights but minimal to what it was, pretty consistent gaps all around.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #128 on: 11 September, 2024, 08:05:34 PM » |
Welds need cleaning of course and I've the lower valance to make so still plenty to do. The bootlid will also get a new bottom edge made.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #129 on: 11 September, 2024, 08:08:34 PM » |
Sides are consistent which is nice as the rear end crash had splayed them out a bit.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #130 on: 11 September, 2024, 08:11:18 PM » |
Once I get this rear end finished it will be a huge hurdle completed, finally the car is nearing the point of salvation!
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #131 on: 11 September, 2024, 08:15:43 PM » |
The passenger side floor where the fuel tank sits is pretty rotten too but luckily the replacement used panel has that section in good order so I'll swap that out tomorrow. Then the valance repairs to both sides and back panel can start. With a bit of luck by the weekend it should be more closer to done.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #132 on: 12 September, 2024, 08:14:21 PM » |
The top of the chassis rail has previously been repaired but now looks crusty again with a couple of rotten pieces. Never worth just doing a small repair when one long one will sort it all so a piece was folded to suit with edges down to strengthen the repair piece.
The corner where the fuel tank sits was also holed but I had the better piece left over from the donor used section. This was carefully lined up and a joggled edge put in to join the remaining floor so it could be spot welded for simplicity and a bit more strength.
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1620
« Reply #133 on: 12 September, 2024, 08:22:35 PM » |
The observant will have noticed the likeness to Swiss cheese with the floor edge so another hole was cut out and a full length repair section with the same joggled edge and spot weld repair done. Another small hole was filled with a small piece spot welded in. The spot welder is a great tool as it makes a neat repair and requires little if no cleaning up afterwards.
Not huge progress for the day but it is progress, every little helps as they say!
Flavia 815 coupe Delta integrale
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390
« Reply #134 on: 13 September, 2024, 02:17:28 PM » |
Good to see.
David Laver, Lewisham.