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Author Topic: De- bumpering.....any regrets?  (Read 4202 times)
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Posts: 306

« Reply #15 on: 29 March, 2023, 07:15:02 PM »

If you have big fake or cheap lights then they'll work as bumpers, at least on the front...

The other trick with a street parked classic car is not to care, to treat the paint as a maintenance item.  Its 25 years since but I used to parallel park an Aurelia outside a house in Lewisham and drive it to work.  The paint wasn't great, it didn't get washed very often.  A scrape or chip ding wasn't the end of my world.  It was painted in my ownership but a cheap respray.  It went on to Jason and Louise Kennedy who drove it to christmas lunches, and on four day rallies in Italy, and at Goodwood race meetings.  They improved areas of the the paint over time and it might have had a better complete respray ahead of one of the Goodwood invitations.  Its a car not a holy relic.  

The late John Savage's Aurelia is "under new management" (alas I can't remember his name but his facebook posts are much enjoyed) and I'm off down memory lane with the old photos he's posting and discussion of its history.  When I was looking for one I got advice from all sorts of different people and there was "check its got the right detail like this to the sills" and "the wheel arch return should be like..." and John was "if its got an MOT that's a decent start".  I bought a car with an MOT that had had floors and sills done to a budget and before anything cosmetic I got John to pull several buckets of old wires out of it and do it all from scratch.  He used a bit of trailer flex down one sill and all sorts else non standard but I never had problems from the electrics.  I had little round rubber lights like trailers have in the rear windows as high level brake lights and indicators and a heated rear screen as well, and (shhhh!!!) a non standard rear screen rubber.

My lovely misses has a question "what's the use case?"   What do you want this Fulvia for?   Its entirely valid to say "to make me smile as I walk past it on the way to the station".  

As to personal taste and Fulvias I've always liked the early cars with slim tyres, hubcaps, long gear lever and four speeds, a huge steering wheel, and bumpers.  The fantasy would be a standard early car AND a road racer!  The road racer might need electric power steering.

So - one of each please!

Hi David.

My car will live on the drive under a cover, I did have a garage but it's footprint was absorbed into an extension a few years ago. I'm going to protect the car as much as possible from corrosion then just drive it. I guess I'll have to adopt a thick skin regarding possible damage otherwise I'll never use it. I Park defensively with my bike so I'll have to double my awareness with the Fulvia.


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