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Author Topic: Dunlop Brake piston rebuilds  (Read 3356 times)
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Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« on: 30 April, 2022, 06:03:16 PM »

Does anyone have a recommendation for a company that is good at re-building Dunlop brake calipers?

My calipers had stainless steel sleeves and new OEM seals fitted in 2005, but one of the pistons has seized up this year. Probably inactivity.

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
Permanent resident
Posts: 2106

« Reply #1 on: 01 May, 2022, 10:21:43 AM »

Why dont you simply reseal the seized piston? If it has a stainless steel sleeve properly fitted there shouldnt be any corrosion to deal with.

Chris Gawne
Mobile: 07778 216552
Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« Reply #2 on: 01 May, 2022, 10:59:31 AM »

Doing some internet research on E Type forums and reading great things about the ZEUS replacement piston assemblies. Has anyone fitted these to their Lancia?

Problem is that I only need to change one piston and I'm wary that having one ZEUS piston and 3 Dunlops might lead to a bit of a braking imbalance. If I was a rich man...with lots of free time...I'd swap them all out.

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« Reply #3 on: 01 May, 2022, 11:02:23 AM »

Doing some internet research on E Type forums and reading great things about the ZEUS replacement piston assemblies. Has anyone fitted these to their Lancia?

Problem is that I only need to change one piston and I'm wary that having one ZEUS piston and 3 Dunlops might lead to a bit of a braking imbalance. If I was a rich man...with lots of free time...I'd swap them all out.

I'm not confident about my ability to strip and rebuild one of these assemblies. I'm happy enough in my ability to swap a piston assembly over, but I've never stripped a brake caliper before and brakes are kind of important.

If it's straightforward then I'm up for giving it a go. Got any advice?

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
Permanent resident
Posts: 2253

« Reply #4 on: 02 May, 2022, 12:12:16 PM »

If you are happy swapping callipers about then there isn't much to be sacred of. If you have a compressor you can use an air line through the brake pipe connection to drive the piston out once the calliper is disassembled but be ready to catch it as it may come out at speed. Otherwise follow the instructions with the repair kit and have a look at general advice on the web.
Angle Grinder
Posts: 427

« Reply #5 on: 04 May, 2022, 01:47:41 PM »

Sorry... another question...  

I found this diagram of a Dunlop caliper on the interweb (see attached file) but I think this is for an older design of piston assembly that can be dismantled more than the ones on a Flavia (in my case a 67 PF Coupe).

So once the piston is out of the cylinder, is it just a case of easing the old seals off, lubing up the new ones with red grease and stretching them over the piston,  OR is there some disassembly of the piston required to ease the fitment of the new dust seal and piston seal?

Excuse the questions, just trying to get ready for any obstacles to avoid hitting a wobble.

* caliper_parts.gif (33 KB, 880x950 - viewed 209 times.)
« Last Edit: 18 May, 2022, 03:53:14 PM by Angle Grinder » Logged

Current Cars: 1994 2.0 VIS Thema Station Wagon, 1967 Flavia 1.8 PF Coupe.

Previous cars:
1983 Prisma 1600
1991 Thema 16v i.e. SE
1988 Thema 8v Turbo
1992 Thema 16v i.e.
1983 Gamma Coupe (manual)
1993 Thema VIS
1994 Thema VIS LE
1990 Thema 2.8
higgsy 45
Posts: 37

« Reply #6 on: 22 May, 2022, 01:04:37 AM »

Hi. I haven't done much on the Forum and having been computer devoid for a long time thought I should join in!
I have  a '64 1800 P/F coupe which got an unwanted major rebuild over the last few years. While I was sourcing 'stuff' Fred Anderson told me that I was stripping and checking the brakes wasn't I. Just as well I did.
I finally had a full set of 8 cylinders re-furbed by a Jag specialist in Norfolk, it was expensive compared with the Jag sizes/prices as they were his bread and butter, special tube sizes required I think 2 1/16? standard for fronts but    1 3/8 at back not a commonly used size. As the engine was out I replaced all the pipes and flexibles pads etc and thought I was doing well until I endlessly got brakes sticking on. Now have aftermarket servo fitted as it only cost just over £300 and just needed some of the pipes re-bending to avoid cutting them plus a few new small ones, now I have really good brakes, my master cylinder has 2 plungers on top, brilliant just keep walking to each corner open the bleed valve push the plunger down, back to close the bleed nipple, pull up the plunger ad-infinitum. 1 man can bleed the whole system with no help or funny bolt ons.
 So if you need or want to persue stainless lined cylinders I have 2 good earlier re-linered and plated front cylinders lying around in my shed with a collection of seals, let me know if of interest.
Good luck. Dale
Permanent resident
Posts: 1494

« Reply #7 on: 24 May, 2022, 12:50:18 PM »

Does anyone have a recommendation for a company that is good at re-building Dunlop brake calipers?

My calipers had stainless steel sleeves and new OEM seals fitted in 2005, but one of the pistons has seized up this year. Probably inactivity.

Past Parts rebuilt a seized caliper for my '68 Vignale and were very helpful and very quick when a slight error was noted!! Look at

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