There was a Lancia bulletin about this, if you look under the car the bottom of the gearstick connects to a rod end which screws into the bottom of the linkage housing. Remove the bolt and give the rod end a wiggle, if it feels loose unscrew it and you should find a rubber strip in a slot in the thread, turn this around or replace it and wrap some PTFE tape on the thread and screw it back in and refit the gearstick bolt.
If this does not fix the vibration then the shaft bushes or cup bush are probably worn.
I've removed the gearstick and undone the rod end(12) (which did feel loose), however, there's no rubber strip(32) or slot in the thread? Does the strip fit inside the linkage housing thread? Additionally, would changing the bush(7) be of any benefit?
Never ever had to change #7. Also never seen rubber strip. Buzzing down to wear om both #15 bushes and possibly as mentioned before the bottom bolt should be snug so the lever can just operate with out and sticktion..