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Author Topic: Electrical Problems  (Read 11739 times)
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« Reply #30 on: 07 October, 2021, 06:58:28 AM »

The gear shift is suffering from a worn "antivibration" set of bits inside the chrome part of the lever. A Chinese jigsaw puzzle....


You have to take the lever off to remedy.

Re handbrake there is an aperture in the drum and with a torch at the bottom of the brake assembly you should see a brass knurled adjuster "nut" with a strong brake shoe spring above it. The adjuster is operated on by a flat blade screw driver. To adjust, slacken the cable and wind up the adjust till the drum locks then back off (about6-8 clicks should have the drum free). If you have an air line good idea to blow the dust out of the drum (dont breath it in...). You may find there is no friction material left on the shoes in which case you need to withdraw the drum. A special socket is required that can be hired from the club.


Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
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Posts: 14

« Reply #31 on: 23 October, 2021, 12:09:20 PM »

Many thanks again for your help Tim. I’ve adjusted the handbrake and it seems to be working well now. I’ll put up with the spinning lever for the time being. I’ve swapped the battery out for a Varta one as the old one was pretty knackered and installed a discarnect to protect it. Following this the headlights, heater switch, wipers and brake lights have all stopped working. Having done some investigating I think it’s the ignition switch again! These items are on fuse 8 and switch through the ignition switch. The car fires up but nothing else wants to work. Any ideas why every time I touch the battery the ignition switch goes faulty or is it just a quirk of my car. Also, any tips for undoing the security bolts. I’ll have to order a new switch from omicron on Monday
Posts: 314

« Reply #32 on: 24 October, 2021, 10:15:59 PM »

Hmm - Not convinced that the fuel sealant is the answer. The fuel tank is baffled and it would be difficult to cover all the surfaces. I think it’s more designed for motorbike tanks which are relatively straightforward.

Fitting a new fuel tank should be pretty straightforward although you may have to budget for a brass connecting collar if the one you have is plastic (they usually break when you try to undo them). Yes a new tank will set you back over £500, but at least you shouldn’t have to buy a Filter King, a cheap in-line filter will do the job. It should also completely eliminate any worries about getting a clean fuel supply to the carbs.

Fulvia Coupe 1976
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