I'm needing a replacement outer CV Joint [not boot!] for my 1970 Flavia 2000 Coupe. Part no 1690235 I think. This part no. seems to be common to all Flavia's and 2000s from 1964 onwards. I've seen advertised on e-bay an outer CV joint as fitting both Flavia / Fulvia, but my Fulvia S2 Parts catalogue has a different part number - 1690230. I don't have a Fulvia S1 parts catalogue to find the part number pre 1970.
Pieces-Fulvia France have a different Fulvia S1 outer CV joint than the Fulvia S2, which makes me hopeful* that the Fulvia S1 outer CV fits the Flavia - but does any-one know for sure?
*except of course the S1 is even more £££ / euros

Is it silly to replace my outer CV joint with second-hand of unknown provenance, should I splash out on new?
Thanks, Mark