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Author Topic: Mr Magnetti and Mr Marelli strike again.  (Read 4038 times)
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« on: 17 March, 2008, 07:06:23 PM »

Just bought a S2 Monte from Manchester ,sold privately and advertised through the Beta Boyz website. They all told me here in Ireland that I must be mad,however we flew to Liverpool at the weekend and viewed the car which looked excellent ,being a left hooker imported into UK in 1992.Since importation it has done tiny mileage and has only 51,00 klm on the clock. The seller agreed to get the timing belt done and brakes checked before we arrived so all seemed fine.
The trip to Birkenhead went well and we caught the Dublin ferry arriving into Dublin at 6am on sunday morning. On the M50 ring road around Dublin ata section of single carriageway where roadworks were in place the car stuttered and died,then picked up and died,eek bad for the heart, anyway a quick twiddle of the ignition switch and she picked up again. 80 miles later on the Nenagh bypass on the N7 same thing again on anothed coned area of single carriageway of roadworks. I was beginning to wonder what this car had got against roadworks,but another twiddle of the key and she was fine.
Thirty miles from home,argh no happened again but this time it was terminal. It would turn over on the key ,but clearly no spark. Him who must be obeyed without any tools (not allowed due to the fact that we flew to the UK) managed to get about 15" of light wire from a guy whose house we were broken down outside. He decide that there was no power coming to the coil from the ignition and took a temporary supply from the engine compartment light,bingo ignition. I was pretty impressed I can tell you,despite the fact that he is a marine electrician.
We got home without any further hassle and today he found a 4 wire connector from the ignition switch  below the steering column partly melted from a  bad connection.
Delighted with the car ,even after putting up on the lift and examining it in detail for the first time underneath it really is exceptional. So if you are thinking of buying a Monte,my advice is do it, I'm glad I did.
Jai Sharma
Posts: 474

« Reply #1 on: 17 March, 2008, 10:37:40 PM »

A nice story and sounds like a good addition to an already impressive collection. But am I cynical in asking why you expect the electricity to go down the wires in the conventional sense when many (most? all?) of our cars seem to defy the normal rules governing electricity :-)
St Volumex
Rebel Poster
Posts: 613

Owner of RetroPart

« Reply #2 on: 18 March, 2008, 08:18:24 AM »

Welcome to the asylum, where you'll learn that Messrs Magnetti & Marelli operate on the principle of smoke coursing through the wires.  When the smoke comes out, things stop working...  Wink

Guy McDougall
Rare Parts for Rare Machines
Appia Coupé S3 (Rosina), Appia Berlina S3 (La Giaconda), Fulvia 1.3S 5 spd coupé (Tigger, belongs to Carol), Beta Spyder S2 (Vivaldi), Montecarlo Spyder S2, HPE VX (Pugsly) etc
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